Stylists at North East salon chain Contemporary were given the chance to demonstrate their artistic skills recently, with a hair and fashion shoot led by art director, Claire Morley. Stylists were given first-hand experience of developing a mood board, selecting clothing, briefing photographers as well as styling cutting. Said Claire:”I wanted to give our emerging young talent the opportunity to experience working on a live shoot, push the styling boundaries and produce their own collection.” |
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HAIR LOBBY ❤️ in Senato: continua la Battaglia per far valere la Voce dei lavoratori nei settori di Estetica e Hairstyle
ROMA – HAIR LOBBY compie un significativo passo avantinella battaglia per il futuro della categoria estetica.Ieri, nell'Aula Nassirya del Senato, HAIR LOBBYha portato ancora una volta le istanze dei parrucchieri italiani di fronte alla politica.Insieme a loro, diverse...