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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: May 2009

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Nerine Broomfield-Strawn, co-owner of The Hair Advice Centre, Hayling Island, is to be included in the 2009 Young Business Leaders addition of the Who’s Who of Britain’s Business Elite. Entries are selected based on a company’s financial success – only the top 2% of directors under the age 35 are eligible for entry.


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Hair by The Angus M team, US
Make up: Amy Oresman
Photographs: Spicer


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jacks up its dividend 10%

Procter & Gamble (P&G) has ordered a dividend hike of 10%, taking dividends from $0.40 per share to $0.44. Traditionally P&G has a consistent record of upping its quarterly dividends, but the move remains a surprise given that many other companies are slashing or even suspending dividends to preserve cash. So why such abundant generosity to investors? Partly the reason is corporate culture, say market insiders. P&G won’t want to deviate from a strong track record of consistently rising dividends, despite the ongong commercial stress. The dividend optimism is also another way for P&G to declare confidence in itself and reassure long term investors – and P&G has many of these, especially Mom-and-Pop retail US-based investors – about the long haul. Meanwhile, bargain hunters are likely to circle: P&G remains close to its lowest share valuation for several years. Currently P&G shares trade at $48; its shares sold for more than $70 last September.

Visto su COSMETICS International


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25 – 26 aprile
LOOK 2009

Grande evento Hantesis in occasione di LOOK 2009 che si è svolto a Poznan’. All’ importante appuntamento si sono esibiti in pedana stilisti Italiani e Polacchi di fama internazionale, rappresentanti del noto marchio Italiano. Per l’Italia i TUHAIR, team stilistico di acconciatori Toscani partner di DAVER S.r.l. (Divisione HANTESIS) i quali hanno presentato una collezione moda –capelli, che ha espresso attraverso tagli e volumi fantastici, tutta la creatività made in Italy. Per la Polonia si sono esibiti gli stilisti Przemek kret e Agata Błotko, stilisti della Quantic distributore esclusivista del marchio Hantesis. Al Make-up Eva Jamnycz e Djamila Parpura; il tutto coordinato e diretto dai responsabili tecnici il Sig. Diego Rosano e il Sig. Maciej Wòjciak. Al termine applausi finali che hanno gemellato i vari stili apprezzati dal folto pubblico Polacco.

Hantesis - Polonia Hantesis - Polonia
Hantesis - Polonia Hantesis - Polonia


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Gamma Più

Phon ECO_STYLE 09La prima referenza della Linea è il phon ECO-STYLE ’09, l’asciugacapelli professionale ecologico ad elevato rendimento energetico. Il potente motore professionale ad alta resa assicura asciugature impeccabili e più rapide rispetto ad un fon tradizionale, con un notevole risparmio di energia, perché il phon rimane acceso per un tempo minore. La scocca è in materiale completamente riutilizzabile; l’esclusiva decorazione antigraffio, resistente alle sostanze aggressive che potrebbero venire a contatto con il phon in salone, è ottenuta con processi ecologici. L’imballo è composto da cartone ottenuto da risorse naturali rinnovabili e biodegradabili al 100%.

Phon ECO_STYLE 09La seconda proposta inedita è la piastra professionale ECO-STYLE ’09, che coniuga eccellenti prestazioni e bassi consumi grazie alle piastre ammortizzate rivestite in ceramica alla Tormalina e all’elevata capacità di accelerazione termica. La Tormalina garantisce la massima scorrevolezza e un’elevata protezione dei capelli, in particolare di quelli colorati o trattati, che si mantengono morbidi e lucenti. La temperatura d’utilizzo viene raggiunta rapidamente e il calore si mantiene costante, grazie alle resistenze interne PTC.
Come per il phon, la scocca della piastra ECO-STYLE ’09 è in materiale riutilizzabile e la resistentissima decorazione antigraffio e antiacido è ottenuta con processi ecologici. Il packaging è al 100% riciclabile.


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Women appear to be tackling the recession head-on by turning blonde, according to Saks international creative director, Andrew Barton. He claims that he has seen a 67% surge in sales of blonde hair products compared to this time last year. After conducting his own research among his clients, he discovered they saw going blonde as an antidote to the doom and gloom of the credit crunch.


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There is no doubt that times are hard for small and medium-sized businesses – banks are less willing to lend, consumers are generally more reticent about spnding and the gloomy haedlines don’t suggest it will end any time soon. But not everyone is suffering the effects of the credit crunch – some salons are actually prospering, despite the economic climate. Wile savers have been hit by the falling interest rates, it has proved a winner for those with hefty mortgages, freeing up disposable income and Cumbria-based Hair@Jibe, HJ’S 2008 Retail Salon of the Year, has taken full advantage. Said co-owner, Jason Brierley: “Bucking all economic trends, Jibe’s retail figures for February were up 25% on February 2008. I put our success down to our approach. A lot of our employed clients are in a really good position at the moment – with VAT and mortgage rate reductions, they actually have more disposable income”. Continued Jason: “We talk to our clients about products, giving them all the advice and recommendations they don’t get when faced with a shelf of hair products in the local supermarket. Giving our professional advice is definitely paying off. We are also explaining to those clients who may be watching how much they spend that professional products are better value for money”.

Successful times
Victor Pajak, managing director of Headquarters Hair Salon, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, is pleased with the performance of his business during the first two months of 2009″. Despite the current economic climate, we have had a pretty healthy January and February, with gross turnover down by just minus 1.7%. Success at times like this is all about the experience”, he said. “Clients are justifying everything they spend, so we are ensuring they receive not only an impeccable personalised service, but lots of added value, including complimentary treatments, head and neck massages, and luxury refreshments”. Russel Eaton in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, has completely bucked the trend, experiencing increases in turnover in January and February of 5% and 7% respectively. “We have ah a great start to the year because we put a lot of effort into our marketing in December so that we would reap the rewards in early 2009 and it worked”, said Russel. “We employed a local design agency to put together a leaflet featuring some excelent offers. Clients really appreciated this as they were worried about costs, especially following Christmas”.

Record trading 
Leicestershire-based Barrie Stephen Hair and Beauty had its best ever January since the company started trading in 1996, according to barrie. “We’re approaching business a bit differently this year”, he said. “We’re anticipating and acting to ensure our business keeps moving forwards and growing. We are determined not to participate in this recession”. Activity used to drive business has incuded vouchers for £10 off a haircut in a local glossy magazine and a range of offers on colour throughout February. Said Barrie: “We went big with promotions, but we are backing this up with all stylist attending colour refresher courses”. Turnover is up at three of Sean Hanna’s salons, and only actually down in one. “In January, we experienced a netincrease across the group of 7%”, said Sean. Sean is still reslistic about the potential for difficult times, However, and is not about to relax. “I think most people are feeling slightly apprehnsive – it’s hard to remain totally optimistic when the media is full of horror stories. The fact that some clients are actually better off with interest rates now at an all-time low may go some way to balancing the effect on clients who have been adversely affected and have a reduced disposable income”. Andrew Phouli, of Rush London, and HJ’S 2008 Business Director of the Year is confident the recession will not slow down his company’s growth. “As I stated at the end of 2008, Rush is recession-proof. Our figures are up by 7% on 2008, and we have opened four salons this year so far. Plants to open more than 30 salons are well on track and expansion is looking good”, said Andrew. “When building a business you need to have strategies in place for all circumstances, so when the economic climate was challenged we amended our strategies accordingly. Salon owners who forward-plan and build flexibility into their schedules should be able to deal with all eventualities, so a recession should not prove difficult”.



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