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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: June 2009

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Duffy Duffy
Winner of Best British Album, Best Breakthrough Act and Best British female
Duffy’s hair is quite similar to Fearne’s but I think the style suits her more because she has a bigger face which doesn’t get lost. This soft and natural but slightly glam look is standard red carpet and can be worn to any type of event. Some top sections look like they’re tied at the back which is very on trend. It’s a lovely soft colour too.
Lady GaGa Lady GaGa
Performed with the Pet Shop Boys
I don’t really like this look at all. The two blonde colours clash – with each other and her lips. Yhe fringe suits her but she would have looked much classier if the style was more symmetrical.
Kylie Kylie
Kylie looks great and always carries off this 40s glam covergirl look really well. The colour is flattering and her hair seems to have completely recovered from the chemotherapy. Kylie’s hair looks well conditioned and the swept over fringe is very of the moment.
Fearne Cotton Fearne Cotton
Backstage host
Fearne’s hair is a lovely colour and looks really shiny. I would prefer the crown a bit lower as it makes her head look a bit small. The soft wave is pretty and overall this look is a kind of ‘one-size-fits-all’ and could also be worn at a Hollywood event.
Estelle Estelle
Best British female – nominee
Estelle’s hair suits her face shape and is probably just right for the Brits – not too dressy or too casual. The swept ober 80s fringe is definitely on trend. She has just the right amount of colour and a subtle enough shade to give har hair texture without looking too abvious.
Florence Florence and the Machine
Critics’ Choice – winner- nominee
Florence’s hair colour is amazing. It’s really vibrant and looks in fabulous condition. The styling is more casual than Duffy’s and Fearne’s is perfect for a music event.
Katy Perry Katy Perry
Best International Female – winner
The colour looks a bit flat, as is often the case with black hair, but the cut suits her. The fringe is perfect as it gives her a perfect oval face shape. The bob complements her fun hello-kitty theme atlhough I wouldn’t say it’s particularly on trend.
Girls Aloud Girls Aloud
Best British Single
Cheryl, Kimberly and Nadine are wearing the standard soft curls that most girls with long hair have at the moment. This is a safe option as it suits most people. Cherly’s hair look a bit too big though. Sarah’s blonde crop works best for me as she looks edgy and quite sexy. Nicola looks out of place; her look would suit someone older and the colour is a little faded too.

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LUDIS: il fascino delle estensioni

LUDIS, azienda di Jesolo specializzata in Natural Hair Extension, organizza anche corsi di formazione per applicazione e trattamento di extensions.
Visita il sito per saperne di più!

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Protezione durante l’esposizione
e riparazione dopo-sole

4 formule altamente sensoriali dalle texture uniche per un trattamento benessere, disponibili esclusivamente nei saloni selezionati che condividono con la marca principi unici: essere eco-sostenibili e ridurre al minimo i consumi del salone per diventare un “salone nature”.


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KyLua Cosmetics, azienda di Castel Bolognese (RA), grazie anche all’attivo interessamento del suo Distributore per la provincia dell’Aquila “Dafne Hair & Co.”, ha desiderato dare il proprio contributo per la popolazione delle aree colpite dal terremoto in Abruzzo, offrendo un corso base gratuito (inteso anche il prodotto), di ricostruzione delle unghie, metodo KyLua gel.

Il Corso si è svolto dal 9 al 12 giugno nello storico centro di Scoppito (luogo offeso dalle scosse), all’interno del salone di ALEX E MELINA PARRUCCHIERI, grazie anche alla preziosa partecipazione del Master di formazione KYLUA COSMETICS, Sig.ra Graziella Manfrin e delle Sig.re Cristina Giusti (di Dafne Hair & Co.) e Monia di Sabatino (della Calen S.r.l. Distributore KyLua Cosmetics per le Marche e il Molise).

Sono stati 4 giorni all’insegna della speranza, del “ricominciare”, il motto delle partecipanti aquilane, donne coraggiose che ci hanno insegnato il vero significato di forza!


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  Hairdressing training solution complany SPAN Training and Development recently held its annual hairdressers trainee competition. Contestants worked to a set theme of 50s and 60s. The most talked-about creation was from 16-year-old Zoe Archer, who produced a 50s-style baseball cap made out of hair. She won the Apprenticeship 1st year prize.

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KÉRASTASE Specifique, Biotic e Dermocalm, gli assi star nei trattamenti specifici per cuoio capelluto rinnovano l’immagine


Biotic         Dermocalm

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Salón Salud y Bienestar

Primera Edición
Feria de Valladolid del 13 al 15 de junio

Valladolid – Junio 2009
La primera edición del Salón Salud y Bienestar, que se celebró en la Feria de Valladolid del 13 al 15 de junio, puso de manifiesto las posibilidades de desarrollo que ofrecen ambas áreas, también en etapas como la actual. En este certamen coexistieron dos líneas de trabajo, por una parte la vertiente profesional de la industria cosmética, peluquería y belleza, y por otro, los programas y actuaciones encaminados a mejorar la calidad de vida desde el ámbito sanitario, de la alimentación, actividad física y deporte e incluso turismo.

La cifra final de visitantes alcanzó las 4.900 personas y en total fueron 70 las empresas expositoras.


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ALICE TATICCHI è Miss Mondo Italia

Gallipoli, giugno 2009

Alice Taticchi giunonica diciannovenne di Perugia è Miss Mondo Italia 2009.
La nuova splendida Miss che rappresenterà l’Italia alla finale internazionale di Miss World in programma il prossimo 12 dicembre 2009 a Johannesburg in Sud Africa, è stata incoronata dalla presidente della giura di qualità Elsa di Gati giornalista e conduttrice Rai e da Alessandro Magrino per Maria Cristina Sterling, official partner dell’evento.

Giancarlo Magalli ed Antonella Caramia, hanno brillantemente condotto uno spettacolo di successo svoltosi nell’incantevole cornice dell’area portuale di Gallipoli “Bleu Salento”. Gremito in ogni ordine di posti il parterre vip e la platea; oltre 5000 gli spettatori e tanti i personaggi importanti del mondo della politica, del giornalismo e dello spettacolo.



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