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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: May 2011

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TREND commerciale negativo!

Trend commerciale negativo!
Maggio si sta rivelando come uno tra i peggiori mesi degli ultimi tempi per la vendita. I deboli ne stanno soffrendo tremendamente e ne consegue che stanno saltando anche molti pagamenti. D’altra parte si sta solo avverando e concretizzando quello che si dice da tempo: sono in atto cambiamenti di abitudini. Per superare questo antipatico momento economico bisogna adattarsi, usare la fantasia, guadagnare di meno e "purtroppo" lavorare di più!
Forza e coraggio e siate positivi perché il nostro settore ha la fortuna di veder crescere spontaneamente i capelli e, se non crescono, bisogna applicare lozioni miracolose!

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Su MARIE CLAIRE n.6 ci sono

Il settore professionale rinnova la sua presenza
sulle riviste femminili in edicola.
Continuano le campagne pubblicitarie che si concluderanno in luglio
e che alternativamente evidenzieranno i migliori operatori del settore:
le Aziende, i Distributori/Grossisti ed i Parrucchieri.
Questa è la settimana dedicata ai

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eventi formazione 2011

Incontri formativi Trend Style Live di Firenze e Pescara
Si è conclusa, con gli incontri di Firenze il 10 aprile e di Pescara il 17-18 aprile, la prima tranche dei Trend Style Live. Simili ma al tempo stesso diversi fra loro, hanno confermato il successo di un’idea education innovativa per contenuti e dinamismo. I prossimi appuntamenti in settembre ed ottobre, ad Altafiumara (RC), Rimini, Mestre, Milano.
Firenze: Claudia Capuano, Edoardo Cagna, Stefano Lazzari, Sebastiano Cardillo
L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal
A Firenze man mano che Maria Grazia Longhi illustra ciascuna delle quattro tendenze di stagione, un Ambasciatore L’Oréal Professionnel la interpreta in base ad una scelta che rispecchia le sue preferenze: Claudia Capuano racconta il suo Eden con il taglio e lo styling, Edoardo Cagna per HTS esprime il proprio modo di vedere Solaris, Stefano Lazzari dà un volto ma soprattutto uno stile capelli alla donna Odyssey mentre Sebastiano Cardillo si lascia tentare dalla spensieratezza e dall’energia del mood Pretty.
Pescara: Tony del Giudice, Gianfranco Boccanelli, Silvia Panariello, Angelo di Caro
L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal
Al Gran Hotel Berti di Pescara i presenti applaudono le contaminazioni Odyssey nell’undercut di Tony Del Giudice, la sensualità di Solaris “letta” da Gianfranco Boccanelli di Kaminoke, la libertà Eden secondo Silvia Panariello, l’ironia e il divertimento del Pretty mood nella creazione di Angelo Di Caro. In un’atmosfera vivace e interattiva, si parla della collezione L’Oréal Professionnel Summer Illusion, ispirata appunto al trend Pretty. Si parla di colore, confrontandosi sugli aspetti più innovativi di Inoa. Si parla di hair care, di formazione, di prodotti di styling…
A Firenze Eric Zemmour, a Pescara Oscar Guinéa
L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal L'Oréal
Per gli ospiti stranieri a Firenze la guest star è stata Eric Zemmour, impegnato nella presentazione della nuova collezione Haute Coiffure Française Inside.11. La performance dello stilista francese è preceduta dal saluto di Antonio Consiglio, presidente dell’HCF Italia, e dall’intervento di Patrizia Bosca, direttrice creativa, che ha illustrato le linee guida della collezione. I partecipanti al TSL di Pescara, che è proseguito il giorno successivo con intensi momenti workshop, hanno potuto apprezzare tutta la verve di Oscar Guinéa, prestigioso rappresentante del gruppo H3 International che da cinque anni mette a punto vere e proprie collezioni di taglio e styling. Quella di cui lo stilista spagnolo ha presentato tre linee si chiama Amplified Id, ad indicare la possibilità di amplificare l’identità di ogni donna attraverso diversi coiffage.

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Alternative Hair
Alternative Hair Show Welcome AIPP Awards at 29th London Show
For the first time in its history the largest hair show in the world, Alternative Hair Show London will include the prestigious AIPP (Association Internationale Presse Professionnelle Coiffure) Awards finale ceremony where finalists will be presented and winners announced. The greatest hairdressers from all over the world participate in the AIPP Awards each year, with a record of 283 entrants from 24 countries taking part in the 2010-2011 competition.
The AIPP Awards include 5 categories:
Best Avant-garde Collection
Best Commercial Collection
Best Photography
Best Men’s Collection
Best Video.
It is the 29th Alternative Hair Show to be held in London, with this years theme ‘illusion’ previously announced. The annual show has already over 18 worldwide teams announced that will make presentations at the show. The Alternative Hair Show will be making a marked return to the prestigious Royal Albert Hall on Sunday 16th October 2011. The already established ‘International Visionary Award’ is open for entires until August 30th.
Tickets can be purchased through the Royal Albert Hall or group bookings can be made through the Alternative Hair office.
Alternative Hair Show London 2011 ILLUSION (16 th of October, Royal Albert Hall)
Alternative Hair Show Russia 2011 ILLUSION( 28th of September, State Kremlin Palaxe, Moscow)
Alternative Hair Visionary Award Russia (28th of May, Saint Petersburg)
Alternative Hair Visionary Award Italy and Hair Design Masters Presentation (25th of Semtember, Milan).

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Wild hair competition

Wild hair competition
HOB Salons has announced the winners of its higly competitive Photographic Competition – with the winners receiving wildcard entries into the Wella Professionals Trend Vision 2011. The HOB Photographic Awards welcomed entrants from all 20 salons, from London to Leeds, giving all stylists under the age of 30 the chance to enter the Young Talent category of Wella Professionals Trend Vision awards, while technicians of all ages were given the chance to gain entry to the Color category. All entrants were asked to submit an image, with shortlisted entrants then invited to recreate their looks at Wella World Studio, London, in front of a panel of judges. Crowned winner of the Color category was Camden-based Warren Boodaghians, while Davide Spinelli won a place in the Young Talent category.

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Collection: Mistresses

Collection: Mistresses
Peter Prosser Peter Prosser Janer Stewart Peter Prosser
Hair: Peter Prosser@Peter Prosser Hair Dressing
Photography: John Rawson@TRP
Make up: James O’Riley
Clothes Styling: Jared Green

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HAIR BRASIL: 24-27 March 2012
San Paulo, Brasil

Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Brasil recorded a larger,
more qualified and international audience
It was only in number of visit that 10th HAIR BRASIL, International Beauty, Hair and Esthetics Fair showed a significant growth. The profile of the visitors proved to be more and more highly qualified and the international participation has nearly doubled in 2011. The largest and most important beauty care fair of Latin America, was held in the city of São Paoulo from April 2 to 5, and hosted 80,000 professional visits, 11% more than last year. There were 41,300 unique visitors, representing all categories of the beauty care market. The number of enterprises also increased: 34,600 companies were recorded (12% more than in 2010), a fact that generated good business activity for the 800 exhibiting brands.
The 10 years of HAIR BRASIL brought toghere top Brazilian and international hairstylists for this major celebration. Take a look at what was on at HAIR BRASIL Fashion Show. Hugo Mopser, the artistic director of the performance, chose a big masquerade ball to present trends.

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شعر البرازيل ، 24 -27 مارس 2012
سان باولو ، البرازيل

Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Brasil 2012
سجلت البرازيل أكبر الشعر ،
جمهور أكثر المؤهلين والدولية
إلا أنه في عدد من زيارة 10 الشعر البرازيل والدولية الشعر والجمال والجماليات معرض أظهرت نموا كبيرا. أثبتت الشخصي من الزوار إلى أن تكون أكثر وأكثر تأهيلا عاليا وتضاعف تقريبا المشاركة الدولية في 2011. وعقد الرعاية الجمال أكبر وأهم معرض في أمريكا اللاتينية ، في مدينة ساو Paoulo من 02-05 أبريل ، واستضافت 80000 الزيارات المهنية ، وأكثر من 11 ٪ العام الماضي. كانت هناك 41300 زائر ، يمثلون جميع الفئات من الجمال سوق الرعاية. عدد الشركات ارتفع أيضا : تم تسجيل 34600 الشركات (12 ٪ أكثر مما كانت عليه في 2010) ، وهذه حقيقة ولدت جيدة النشاط التجاري لنستعرض العلامات التجارية 800.
Hair Brasil 2012
الشعر عرض أزياء البرازيل
جلبت السنوات ال 10 من البرازيل الشعر الأعلى toghere هيرستليستس البرازيلي والدولي لهذا الاحتفال الرئيسية. نلقي نظرة على ما كان في الشعر في عرض أزياء البرازيل. اختار هوغو Mopser ، المدير الفني للأداء ، وحفلة تنكرية كبيرة لتقديم الاتجاهات.

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HAIR BRASIL, 24 -27 März 2012
San Paulo, Brasilien

Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Brasil verzeichnete einen größeren,
mehr qualifizierte und internationales Publikum
Es war nur in der Anzahl der Besuch, den 10. HAIR BRASIL, Internationaler Schönheits-, Haar-und Ästhetik Messe ein deutliches Wachstum zeigte. Das Profil der Besucher erwiesen sich mehr und mehr hoch qualifizierte und die internationale Beteiligung hat im Jahr 2011 fast verdoppelt. Die größte und wichtigste Messe der Schönheitspflege Lateinamerika, wurde in der Stadt São Paoulo von 2-5 April statt, und gehostet 80.000 professionellen Besucher, 11% mehr als im Vorjahr. Es waren 41.300 Besucher, stellvertretend für alle Kategorien der Schönheitspflege Markt. Die Zahl der Unternehmen ebenfalls erhöht: 34’600 Unternehmen wurden aufgenommen (12% mehr als im Jahr 2010), eine Tatsache, dass gute Geschäfte für die 800 ausstellenden Marken erzeugt.
Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Fashion Show Brasil
Der 10 Jahre HAIR BRASIL gebracht toghere oben brasilianischen und internationalen Hairstylisten für diese wichtige Feier. Schauen Sie, was auf der Hair Fashion Show BRASIL. Hugo Mopser, dem künstlerischen Leiter der Aufführung, wählte ein großer Maskenball, um Trends zu präsentieren.

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BRASIL CHEVEUX, 24 -27 Mars 2012
San Paulo, Brasil

Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Brasil 2012
Hair Brasil a enregistré une plus grande,
public plus qualifié et internationale
C’est seulement en nombre de visite que le 10 CHEVEUX BRASIL, international de beauté, de coiffure et d’esthétique Salon a connu une croissance significative. Le profil des visiteurs s’est avérée de plus en plus qualifiés et la participation internationale a presque doublé en 2011. Les soins de beauté le plus grand et le plus important salon de l’Amérique latine, a eu lieu dans la ville de São Paoulo du 2 au 5 avril, et a accueilli 80 000 visites professionnelles, 11% de plus que l’an dernier. Il ya eu 41.300 visiteurs uniques, représentant toutes les catégories du marché des soins de beauté. Le nombre d’entreprises a également augmenté: 34.600 entreprises ont été enregistrées (12% de plus qu’en 2010), un fait qui a généré une activité de bonnes affaires pour les 800 marques exposantes.
Hair Brasil 2012
Voir Hair Fashion Brasil
Les 10 ans de CHEVEUX BRASIL a toghere top coiffeurs brésiliens et internationaux pour cette grande fête. Jetez un oeil à ce qui était sur les cheveux de BRASIL Défilé de mode. Hugo Mopser, le directeur artistique de la performance, a choisi un grand bal masqué de présenter les tendances.


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