news n°
KOMIS ❤️ 50 anni di eccellenza nella produzione di cosmetica per capelli !
KOMIS celebra 50 anni di eccellenza nella produzione di cosmetici per capelli, affermandosi come punto di riferimento per stilisti e acconciatori. Da mezzo secolo, l’azienda si distingue per la sua competenza e innovazione, sviluppando linee cosmetiche...
Hi,You rise a very good question. Coming from the ctsuriey industry myself, I know how you feel about these issues. There is a rule of thumb, and not very hard to follow, all ctsuriey checks, input validations and alike MUST be done server-side, dot. Any check you do on the client is susceptible to an attack. All inputs going to the server, even then ones generated by the client side js MUST be checked as they might be altered.And you don’t have to have Opera or a FF addon, it’s as simple as downloading the website, opening the js file with a text editor and resend the form/post/ajax call.Nice post! Keep the good work!
One or two to rermbeem, that is.