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The seriously cool London squad

31 May, 2012

The seriously cool London squad
Bed Head has brought together a talented group of cutting-edge bloggers, stylist and designers to represent the brand as the Bed Head Street Squad.
The creative collective has been gathered to provide an insight into what interests urban youth and will help TIGI and Bed Head Street Squad are (l-r) Andy Moore, music blogger and features writer; Harriet Verney, editor of Pigmee magazine; Nicholas Saunders, freelance screen printer and illustrator; Louie Banks, photographer to the stars; Lucy Wearing, make-up artist, musician and lecturer at London College of Fashion; Stevie Style, London-based stylist and menswear designer; Mimi Wade, studying fashion print at central Saint Martins; and Sami Knight, hairdresser and session stylist.
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