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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: August 2012

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CEBADO, Espana: Novia

La novia de hoy es menos hierática que otras temporadas. Cada vez se busca una imagen más cercana, menos sublime y más sexy. Eso exige transformaciones en la forma de peinar a una novia, que debe transmitir siempre una elegancia por encima de lo cotidiano, pero a la vez tiene que realzar toda su fuerza seductora. Con esas premisas Cebado propone peinados menos esculturales y muy creativos. El recogido tirante y perfectamente pulido en el acabado se transfor ma y da paso a soltar algunos mechones laterales que consiguen un aire más casual, envolviendo el rostro con un toque más sensual. Triunfan los semi-recogidos, soltando mechones en la nuca, ladeados para equilibrar las formas.
Hair: Cebado

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Beauty and Fitness
The 6th international Exhibition for Beauty and Fitness will start from September 30th to October 2nd, at Intercontinental City Stars Cairo. The main event in Egypt aiming to develop both business to business and the awareness of the importance and the education about human beauty.

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ITALIANI brava gente


ITALIANI brava gente… ma non fateli diventare DIRETTORI di qualcosa perché sono imbattibili nel MONTARSI LA TESTA: sono impegnati solo loro, non sono mai rintracciabili per telefono, dimenticate di riuscire a fissare facilmente un appuntamento, non vi richiameranno mai, mai al telefono se non perché ne hanno loro un ASSOLUTO BISOGNO. Proprio sfacciati!

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Rocco Parrucchieri
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Il salone Rocco parrucchieri di Bologna, è pioniere nell’arte delle hair-spa, il primo in Europa a proporre le cerimonie Shu Uemura art of hair, veri rituali di bellezza e ricostuzione della fibra capillare accompagnati da un massaggio shiatsu, offre il perfetto connubio tra benessere e fashion look.

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Cut&Colour step by step

Sweeping Statement
Cut and ColorCut and Color
Before and After
Cut and Color
Take a slight diagonal parting and cut to the desidered lenght. Continue with slightly diagonal partings into the back using a travelling guideline. Create a light, fitted head shape. Cut a one-lenght line using cutting comb with little or no tension.
Cut and Color
Continue the back of the head, for the fringe take a diagonal parting, elevate to slightly graduate the line, keep the tension even throughout the process. Cut a curved fringe that opens the temple and eye area. Continue slightly lifting, overdirecting and applying even tension with every parting. Take a diagonal parting that extends from the crown to the temple and cut to desired lenght.
Cut and Color
Refine the sides and nape by chipping and pointing the headline, avoid heavy, hard lines. Refine the fringe and temple area. Round any strong corners of weight internally by chipping and point-cutting.
Cut and Color
Take an asymmetrical star section with 4 points: one point should be a section from where the side parting flows into the fringe, one should be a section on the right side towards the side and back of the head, one should be a section from the left back and the last point should be a section from the left side. Strating from the fringe and working off the side parting, take 8 back-to-back horizontal slice partings and apply Lightening formula 1/8 from the scalp through the midlelenghts and ends. At the side-back take 5 back-to-back diagonal/horizontal slice partings and apply L. Formula 1/8 from the scalp through the midlenghts and ends. On the opposite side starting at the back, take 4 diagonal/horizontal back-to-back slice partings and apply L. Formula 1/8 from the scalp through the midlenghts and ends.
Cut and Color
On the left side, take 4 back-to-back vertical slice partings, and apply L. formula 1/8 from the scalp through the midenghts and ends. Lift hair to a level 9 light blonde, then rince. Starting at the fringe working off a side parting towards the hairline, take diagonal slice partings and apply the following formulas: 4 slice partings with 1, 2 slice partings with 2 and 2 slice partings with 3. Continue t the side section towards the back and take diagonal/horizontal slice partings and apply the following formulas: 2 slice partings with 1, 1 slice partings with 2 and 2 slice partings with 3.
Cut and Color
Starting at the back on the opposite side, slide foils over for better access to the section, then take one diagonal slice parting with 3, one slice parting with 2 and 3 slice partings with 1. Proceed to the front/side section on the left and apply 3, 2 slice partings with 2 and 4 slice partings with 1. Apply Base Colour to all unfoiled hair, leave to process for 20 minutes then rinse.

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LADY NAIL: lo spot!

LADY NAIL, azienda di Napoli, è leader nel settore ricostruzione unghie. Si distingue per eleganza, stile, professionalità ed esperienza. Offre una vasta gamma di prodotti e corsi di formazione nella ricostruzione unghie, che garantiscono una preparazione altamente professionale.
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Helift a/w 012-013

Alla base di ogni forma c’è una struttura. Il movimento elicoidale analizzato e seguito. Linee e colori si incontrano, spinti da movimenti naturali creano forme e volumi in continuo cambiamento. Tecnica e sensazione per versatilità e carattere.
Hair & Photo: Cristiano Leuzzi
Colour: Alessio Giorgi
Styling: Ramona Malaguti
Make-up: Carla T

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Open Hair, Varese: lo Spot!

Open Hair
Il salone "Open Hair" sito a Varese, è in grado di offrire ogni genere di trattamento e servizio, curando la bellezza e il benessere di ogni cliente.

Affiliato a "LUIGI BURATTI Atelier" ne garantisce gli elevati standard qualitativi
Luigi buratti Atelier
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CEM, Paratico: è nato Michele!

È uno splendido maschietto e si chiama Michele il primonato in casa CEM,
distributore di prodotti professionali di bellezza a Paratico, in provincia di Brescia.
Tutta la Redazione fa i complimenti a mamma Luisa, papà Emanuele
e all’orgogliosissimo nonno Celestino!


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