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Double-dip recession for Salon Industry

20 Sep, 2012

double-dip recession
It’s official, the UK has plunged into a double-dip recession, the first since 1975, marking the longest economic slump for a century. "Double-dip recession" refers to a situation when gross demistic product (GDP) growth falls back to a negative percentage after a quarter or two of positive growth. A double-dip recession refers to a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed by another recession. The UK economy suffered a 0,2% slump, following a 0,3 % dip in the last three months of 2011. How is all this negativity affecting the salon industry? HJ asked a selection of salon owners and managers for their take on the on-going economic decline and how it had affected their business. For many the recession appears to have had a positive effect, forcing owners to look more closely at their business and at ways of improving performance. Others are determined not to allow the negative headlines to impact on thei businee, or create an atmosphere that will demotivate their teams.
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