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DAVINES: 2nd day
of the Sustainable Beauty

25 Sep, 2012

Are fully operational environmental interventions made ​​possible by Second Day of Beauty Sustainable, the initiative promoted by DAVINES, Manufacturer of professional hair cosmetics, in collaboration with LifeGate. On 13 February 2012, thanks to the participation of over 600 beauty salons and hair were collected € 67,000 donated entirely to projects of creation and protection of forest areas in Italy and Madagascar.The work began in designated areas and will continue in the form of “protection” for years to come. The green areas, all visitors, who are benefiting from the generosity of salons and clients are:
– Milan, Naviglio Grande: the urban redevelopment has given splendor to a stretch of waterway, restored and planted with 50 native species.
– Rome, Park Madonnetta: the intervention is 5,525 square meters of land that will be preserved and protected for the next 10 years.
– Madagascar, reserve Mananby: for the next 10 years will be created and 60,327 square meters of protected forests that are located in this reserve.
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