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Tracey GALLAGHER @ Andrew Barton
UK – Deco Delux Collection

29 Apr, 2013

Tracey Gallagher, Creative Director at the Andrew Barton Salon is an avid art fan and for her ‘Deco Deluxe’ collection she was inspired by artist, Tamara de Lempicka’s artwork and in particular her cubism style and esthetic. The Art Deco period was a further inspiration that inspired Tracey’s stunning creations. Tracey’s use of classical hairdressing techniques showcased her skill and artistry techniques including pin curling, finger waving and setting, all used with modern technical products to achieve a fresh image. Further inspired by milliners, Tracey created hairstyles that echoed the design and skill of hat design.

Tracey GallagherTracey GallagherTracey GallagherTracey GallagherTracey Gallagher

Hair: Tracey Gallagher @ Andrew Barton Group
Photo: Charlotte Kibbles
Make-up: Cheryl Corea
Styling: Adelaide Turnball

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