Laurent Gilbert
End of 2013, the L’Oréal Group unveiled its commitments to sustainable development with the announcement of the programme “Sharing beauty with all” aimed at reducing its environmental impact while achieving its ambition for growth. Laurent Gilbert, Advanced Research International Development Director at L’Oréal, is steering the action around sustainable innovation within the group, he details for Premium Beauty News this wide-ranging plan and its implications for the suppliers concerned. Says Laurent Gilbert: “The program is called Sharing beauty with all”, the objective is clearly to place the consumer at the heart of our commitment to sustainable development and enable him to make responsible choices. We are committed to make available, information on the social and environmental characteristics of our products, and we are working with our brands to enable them to take up this subject and engage in a dialogue with their customers. The aim is also to work on the entire value chain, starting with our innovations, from production to distribution. The last, extremely important point, is that everything is done as part of an objective of the group, namely to conquer a billion consumers by 2020. It is essential that this development benefits to all our employees, our suppliers, but also to the most disadvantaged communities”.