ALAN D, in conjunction with The East Anglian Times and Ipswich Star newspapers, first launched the ALAN D HAIRDRESSING EDUCATION – STAR OF THE FUTURE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME in 2013. Created to encourage young, aspiring hairdressers or barbers who have found it a struggle to enter the industry, whether through lack of available jobs, training opportunities or funding. For 2014, hopeful applicants were asked to explain in no more than 100 words why they should win a chance to become a qualified hairdresser or barber; after fighting off the fierce competition, Jess O’Sullivan proved herself to be the judges favourite.
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HAIR LOBBY ❤️ in Senato: continua la Battaglia per far valere la Voce dei lavoratori nei settori di Estetica e Hairstyle
ROMA – HAIR LOBBY compie un significativo passo avantinella battaglia per il futuro della categoria estetica.Ieri, nell'Aula Nassirya del Senato, HAIR LOBBYha portato ancora una volta le istanze dei parrucchieri italiani di fronte alla politica.Insieme a loro, diverse...