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Saco Creative Team led
by Richard Ashforth – UK
Decoys Collection

29 Jan, 2015

Saco Creative Team led by Richard AshforthSanrizzSanrizzSaco Creative Team led by Richard Ashforth  Saco Creative Team led by Richard Ashforth

Hair: Saco Creative Team led by Richard Ashforth – UK
Collection: Decoys
Ph: Colin Roy
Make-up: Marco Antonio
Clothing: Serena Gilli & Nafisa Tosh

Saco Academy present their latest collection ‘DECOYS’.

The dual elements of Decoded & Spirit combine to produce a innovative collection which turns hair – on it’s head! Inspired by contrasts, attraction and distraction, Decoys plays with subtlety, subversion and sensuality. ‘Decoced’ embraces late 80’s & early 90’s deconstruction, to ret-think shape and colour. Strong off-kilter shapes with ‘backlit’ colour panels create a striking and fresh collective. ‘Spirit’ celebrates the passion, beauty and intensity of the modern masters, Avedon, Lindbergh, Newton and Meisel. Creators of the modern beauty epoch inspire a seductive combination of soft, desheveled lengths and a pallet of smoke greys.

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