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Allilon & DAVINES: Education
in Canada and Vietnam

18 May, 2015


The talented Allilon Education team has been in Canada and Vietnam teaching Davines salon owners, educators, academy owners and stylists at a satellite academy. The Primary Shapes course took place from 23-26 March and was attended by eleven students. Meanwhile, key educators, Allilon Education co-founder Pedro Inchenko and Allilon Education Colour Director, Madeleine Murphy, visited Vietnam to teach the four-day Primary Disconnection course from the 2015 syllabus, alongside a cut and colour seminar of the brand’s latest collection: Okafor. The Allilon Education team then presented the Okafor collection in a live show, from 6-7 April, to an audience of more than 150 hairdressers.

Never ones to stand still, the Educators will fly to South Africa in May to deliver more courses from the Allilon syllabus and have been booked to present a spectacular show in Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam, in November, to a 1.000-strong audience.

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