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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: May 2015

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20-22 January 2016
Tokyo Big Sight – Japan

COSME TOKYO is the Japan’s largest exhibition specialised in cosmetics. Gathering powerful importers and buyers from Japan and Asia, COSME TOKYO 2016 offers one of the best way to tap into the world’s second largest cosmetics market. It is n important business appointment, attending to welcome 700 exhibitors from 50 countries/regions.


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UK wants more quality
in haircare products


UK women are seeking more quality from their hair care products and are using the web to find the best that money can buy which is helping to boost the prestige market as consumers look for luxury products at reduced prices.

According to market researcher Mintel, the women’s hair care market’s is seeing consistent thanks to the essential hygiene nature of products such as shampoo. And according to the firm’s Senior Beauty and Personal Care Analyst, Charlotte Libby, consumers are now demanding more quality from their products, menaing appearance-driven NPD is also driving the market.


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Alternative Hair Ethiopia Project


Tony and Maggie Rizzo, founders of the Alternative Hair Show, have announced the launch of the Alternative Hair Ethiopia Project.
The couple founded the Alternative Hair Show in 1983 following the loss of their son, Valentino, to leukaemia. The annual charity hairdressing show is now its 33rd year and continues to raise vital funds for charity. In 2012, the fundraising got a boost with the launch of Fighting Leukaemia; their own trust committed to funding charities supporting those suffering leukaemia and related cancers of the blood.
Tony has now made the decision to extend the charity’s support to Ethiopa – the country with the lowest level of health care in the world and where the survival rate of leukaemia patients is only 20%, compared to 75% in the UK.
A visit to Ethiopia was key to the new charity’s launch, and Tony and Maggie spent their time visiting schools, aid projects and hospitals in cities including Addis Ababa, Tambaro, Hawassa and Gambella.
The Alternative Hair Ethiopia Project will fund a dedicated health centre in Tambaro, including a much-needed education program.
Tony says: “The trip was an incredible experience, providing a great insight into the basic minimal needs for the people to survive. It was invaluable to see first hand the incredible work that the many aid agencies do to extend help within the region.”


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Spirit Art Team @ Spirit Hair Company – UK
Solar Collection

Spirit Art Team @ Spirit Hair CompanySpirit Art Team @ Spirit Hair CompanySpirit Art Team @ Spirit Hair CompanySpirit Art Team @ Spirit Hair Company

Inspiration: based upon illusion, this image brought to life creative and passion employing elements of our atmosphere. Solar flare fusions of lightning reds shadowed by the energy of precision lines, demonstrating the pure power of this phenomena.

Hair: Spirit Art Team @ Spirit Hair Company – UK
Collection: Solar
Ph: Jenni Hare
Make-up: Lauren Mathis
Stylist: Bernard Connolly


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TIGI Copyright Colour Tour
Offers Intimate Insight into Brand


TIGI promised those attending its Copyright Colour Tour and intimate insight into the brand and that’s exactly what was on offer. Matthew Batham was in the audience when the tour kicked off at Sopwell House in St Albans and, along with the other guests, was treated to a day of creative inspiration and an insight into how colour can add value to any salon business.
Among those welcoming guests to the event were TIGI founder Anthony Mascolo, who reiterated the TIGI brand’s commitment to staying professional and sticking to its ethos of being ‘by hairdressers, for hairdressers’.
Also there to educate and inspire guests were members of the TIGI artistic team, including global creative technical director, Christel Lundqvist and European technical creative director, Warren Boodaghians. The colour maestros demonstrated the versatility of Copyright Colour creating model looks that were both bold statement and beautifully commercial.
Making a guest appearance was multi-award winning hairdressing and successful salon owner Andrew Collinge, who spoke about what Copyright Colour had brought to his business.
The day also including styling demonstrations, plus some freehand colour by Anthony Mascolo himself, using spraypaint on wigs.


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Toni & Guy – UK:
Reflective Collection

Toni e GuyToni e GuyToni e GuyToni e Guy

Toni e GuyToni e GuyToni e GuyToni e Guy

Toni e GuyToni e GuyToni e Guy

The Reflective Collection is an eclectic modern mix of styles inspired by collections from the late 60’s to the early 90’s.

Hair: Toni & Guy – UK


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Pubblicità nell’Haircare


In Italia, contrariamente a quello che succede all’estero, le Aziende di prodotti per parrucchieri (escluso le Aziende "conto terzi"), investono solo tra il 2 e il 7 % del fatturato in pubblicità.
Cosa rientra in questa cifra?

  • pubblicità tabellare classica
  • sito internet
  • depliant
  • cartelle colori
  • pr, viaggi clienti
  • fiere

Le promozioni (regali, offerte etc.) vanno invece nel conteggio degli "sconti". Ovviamente questo investimento è troppo poco per muovere il mercato e rendersi visibili. Tutto quello che dovrebbe andare in pubblicità va invece negli sconti: non ci sono quindi margini per iniziative d’immagine! Si viene così a creare un mercato di "prodotti poveri" che non soddisfa nessuno:

  • non soddisfa l’Azienda perchè non ha più margini da investire nel Marketing
  • non soddisfa i Rivenditori/Grossisti/Agenti perché a fatica coprono le spese
  • non soddisfa il Parrucchiere perché, oltre allo striminzito prodotto, riceve pochi servizi (info, meeting, corsi, show, etc)
  • non soddisfa la donna-cliente perché non ha la sensazione di essere trattata con prodotti "glamour" ma di massa.

E allora? Forse è il caso di cambiare qualcosa! … ne guadagnerebbero tutti a cominciare dal "prodotto" che ritornerebbe ai vertici dell’attenzione.


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Nuove regole per parrucchieri ed estetisti


Anche a Prato, Toscana, entra in vigore (adeguandosi alla legge nazionale e regionale) il nuovo regolamento per parrucchieri ed estetisti. Le novità sono molte: per esempio è previsto che nello stesso esercizio possano essere svolte le attività di estetica, acconciatore e tatuatore, anche afferenti a titolari diversi, utilizzando in comune esclusivamente locali destinati a servizi igienici, spogliatoio, ripostiglio e attesa/ricezione. Diventano più restrittive le norme sulla sterilizzazione e si differenziano gli importi delle sanzioni. All’interno dell’attività di parrucchiere, la manicure e pedicure dovrà limitarsi a limatura e laccatura, per altri servizi sarà necessaria idonea cabina.


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Allilon & DAVINES: Education
in Canada and Vietnam


The talented Allilon Education team has been in Canada and Vietnam teaching Davines salon owners, educators, academy owners and stylists at a satellite academy. The Primary Shapes course took place from 23-26 March and was attended by eleven students. Meanwhile, key educators, Allilon Education co-founder Pedro Inchenko and Allilon Education Colour Director, Madeleine Murphy, visited Vietnam to teach the four-day Primary Disconnection course from the 2015 syllabus, alongside a cut and colour seminar of the brand’s latest collection: Okafor. The Allilon Education team then presented the Okafor collection in a live show, from 6-7 April, to an audience of more than 150 hairdressers.

Never ones to stand still, the Educators will fly to South Africa in May to deliver more courses from the Allilon syllabus and have been booked to present a spectacular show in Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam, in November, to a 1.000-strong audience.


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#xpresionpixel: seminario de educacion creativa


Madrird – días 7, 8 y 9 de Junio

Quieres aprender la técnica #xpresionpixel?
#xpresionpixel es la revolucionaria técnica de X-presion Creativos. Únete a X-presion en su SEMINARIO DE EDUCACION CREATIVA #XPRESIONPIXEL.

#xpresionpixel è la rivoluzionaria tecnica di X-presion Creativos. Il seminario per imaparala si svolgerà nei giorni 7, 8 e 9 Giugno a Madrid !



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