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Relationship with Clients:
6 hints for building it

16 Jun, 2015


Building trusting relationship with clients is one of the cornerstones for a hairdresser and it is very important to earn the trust. 6 tips of Hugh Palmer, psychotherapist:

  • 1. Share your experience and encourage others to do the same: we all have different strengths and weaknesses.

  • 2. Keep it professional: be friendly to clients but be careful not to overstep the mark.

  • 3. Avoid controversial topics: initiating conversation about religion, politics or sex could result in awkwardness.

  • 4. Take baby steps: be cautious when it comes to giving brutally honest opinions until you know the client well and know that is what they want.

  • 5. Don’t get defensive: if a client is unhappy with their cut or colour, ask them to explain why rather than immediately defending yourself.

  • 6. Know when to stop: consider how your client reacts to your attempts to make conversation. Some people love to chat, whereas others may prefer to read a magazine or just relax in silence.

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