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“Bulgarian Rose Oil”:
protected geographical indication

30 Jun, 2015

rose oil

The “Bulgarian rose oil” is an essential oil obtained by distillation of rose petals from Rosa Damascena. The specific distinctive qualities of the Bulgarian rose oil are its rich and lasting aroma, pale yellow-green colour, as well as a balanced composition of volatiles and hydrocarbons. Since October 2014, the protected geographical indication (PGI) acknowledges the fact that these characteristics are closely related to the geography of the area and differentiate it from rose oil produced in other parts of the world.
Because of its high price, rose oil has often been faked. But savvy Bulgarian producers have now found a way to guarantee its authenticity. Last October, after a nine-year application process, producers managed to get the name “Bulgarian Rose Oil” registered on the list of EU products of protected geographical indication and designation of origin.

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