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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: June 2015

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COTY si aggiudica all’asta il brand WELLA


Il gruppo franco-americano Coty, con sedi a Parigi e New York (quotato alla Borsa NYSE di New York), famoso per i profumi di Calvin Klein e di Marc Jacobs, ha vinto diverse aste organizzate dal colosso Procter & Gamble, aggiudicandosi alcuni brand di rilievo quali MAX FACTOR, WELLA e COVERGIRL. Lo ha reso noto nelle scorse ore il New York Post, calcolando il valore dell’intera operazione in 12 miliardi di dollari. A questo punto Coty diventa il numero due del beauty nel mondo dietro alla corazzata francese L’Oréal.

Da un articolo tratto da MILANOFINANZA


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COSMETICA ITALIA: cresce l’esportazione,
diminuiscono i consumi

Cosmetica Italia

Quest’anno l’assemblea nazionale di Cosmetica Italia, Associazione nazionale imprese cosmetiche, si è svolta presso Expo, nel Parco della Biodiversità. Stefano Zecchi, professore di estetica, ha sottolineato la responsabilità sociale del bello: la bellezza, secondo Zecchi, è infatti in grado di cambiare in meglio l’esistenza degli individui.

Fabio Rossello, Presidente di Cosmetica Italia, ha sottolineato come EXPO sia un’occasione importante per raccontare il ruolo unificante e universale della cosmesi all’interno di un contesto vario e multietnico, la società contemporanea, stimolando il visitatore alla scoperta di un’industria sana e innovativa che volge lo sguardo a responsabilità sociale e sostenibilità ambientale. Curare la propria salute fisica e prendersi cura di sé non sono più azioni separate.

Cosmetica Italia

La parte dedicata al Rapporto Annuale conferma i numeri dell’industria cosmetica nazionale e ne evidenzia l’anelasticità: tengono infatti i fatturati che da oltre 10 anni sono in crescita rispetto alle altre realtà manifatturiere del Made in Italy (+0,8%). La contrazione marginale del consumo interno (-1,4%) è stata bilanciata dalla significativa performance delle esportazioni aumentate del 4,9%. A fronte di importazioni in crescita del 2%, la bilancia commerciale del settore resta ampiamente positiva, confermando un valore record prossimo ai 1.650 milioni di euro.
Considerando la ripartizione del fatturato sul mercato interno, si segnalano gli andamenti positivi delle vendite dirette a domicilio e per corrispondenza (+2,8%), dell’erboristeria (+2%) e della farmacia (+1,1%). Prosegue invece negativamente l’andamento dei canali professionali (estetica -3,6%, acconciatura –3,5%) e della profumeria che registra una flessione strutturale di 2,5 punti percentuali.

L’Assemblea si è chiusa infine con un annuncio importante: il passaggio di consegne ai vertici della struttura di Cosmetica Italia a partire dal 1 luglio, quando Luca Nava diverrà il nuovo Direttore generale dell’Associazione, succedendo, per raggiunti limiti di età, a Maurizio Crippa.


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Excellent outlook for
Salón Look Madrid 2015

Salón Look Madrid  2015

The eighteenth edition of the trade show, organised by IFEMA, will take place from 24 to 26 October at Feria de Madrid. It will be held from Saturday to Monday, rather than Friday to Sunday as it was previously, in order to make it easier for professionals to visit and participate. Excellent progress is being made in the marketing of floorspace for this eighteenth edition, which has been signed up to by new companies and with new content that affirm the exhibition’s importance as the largest event dedicated to professional beauty in the Spanish-speaking world, and the ideal venue to find out the latest trends and innovations from the sectors of Beauty, Hairdressing, Cosmetics, Make-up and Nails.

A diverse range of Beauty and Hairdressing activities. With four months to go, the exhibition has already finalised its programme of parallel activities, accommodating important meetings between professionals in the sector. Some highlights include the International Beauty Conference and Massages of the World, in terms of the beauty sector, and various Hairdressing shows and demonstrations as part of the Hair Look fashion show; Effervescene by Mikel Luzea; Show Positivo by the X-presion group; the Fígaro Creative Spanish Hairdressing Awards, and the Omat Gala. Completing the programme are activities such as Look Academy with theoretical and practical training in both beauty and hairdressing; the Hair Look Focus stage; the Speakers Corner; the Innovation Gallery, and the Salón Look Awards, which recognise the work of professionals and companies in the beauty sector.


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Milano Moda Uomo SS16

Milano Moda Uomo SS16Milano Moda Uomo SS16Milano Moda Uomo SS16
Milano Moda Uomo SS16

Milano Moda Uomo SS16
Hair by Jan Przemyk for GO24.7


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Microplastics in cosmetics
and pollution in the oceans


For the last 50 years, microparticles of plastic, called microplastics, have been used in a large number of cosmetic and personal care formulations, ranging from toothpaste and shower gel to eye shadows and nail polish.
A report released last week by the UN Environment Programme on the occasion of World Oceans’ Day recommends a precautionary approach toward microplastic management, with an eventual phase-out and ban of their use in personal care products and cosmetics. Washed down the drain, those particles cannot be collected for recycling, nor do they decompose in wastewater treatment facilities, inevitably ending up in the global ocean.
“Knowledge is emerging about the effect such particles have on marine organisms, including mammals, but also on their potential for secondary health impacts via the food chain, including to humans who consume seafood,” explains UNEP.
Given the associated potential risks of microplastics, the report makes several recommendations for producers and consumers, as well as for researchers and policymakers. In particular, it calls for a voluntary phase-out of microplastics by the industry and their eventual ban in personal care and cosmetic products.


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Allilon – UK
The Mane Collection




The Alillon Education Art Team has unveiled The Mane collection, which draws inspiration from photographer Tim Flach, renowned for his highly conceptual portraits of animals. Flach is the author of Equus, a comprehensive photographic study of horses that captures different breeds in both in their natural habitat and the studio.
“For The Mane collection we were hugely inspired by Equus, which clearly documents that each breed of horse has a truly unique body form as well as different densities and textures within their coats and manes. The habitat in which these amazing creatures live has a direct effect on the evolution of their bodies and hair. This has a huge resemblance to humans and the effect that ethnic backgrounds have on our hair movements and head shapes.”

Hair: Allilon – UK
Collection: The Mane
Ph: Norman and Amanda at Jenny & Lee
Make-up: Damien Wolf at DWMakeup-art.com


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The market of natural cosmetics


Asia has one of the fastest growing markets for natural and organic cosmetics.
According to market research firm Organic Monitor, sales revenues are projected to exceed 1 billion U.S. dollars in the coming years.
Rising consumer awareness as well as changing lifestyles, increasing disposable income and health and environmental concerns are expected to fuel sales of natural and organic cosmetics in Asia. While China remains the most prominent market in Asia, countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore are expected to record the highest growth rates.


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Angelo Seminara – UK:
Souls Collection



Angelo Seminara’s Soul Collection captures the soul of a woman in all her guises. Think exotic flowers and fulsome fragrance, sparkling diamonds and luminescent pearls, resolute shapes and romantic sweeps. Each image is influenced by decisive colours or swirls of iridescent hues. These are looks which transcend femininity to reflect the unfathomable depth of a woman’s soul.

Hair: Angelo Seminara – UK
Collection: Souls
Ph: Andrew O’Toole
Make-up: Lynsey Alexander


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SALON Magazine n. 199: browse it !


On line un estratto nel numero 119 della rivista SALON. La moda, le passerelle, i preziosi suggerimenti per la prossima stagione tutti da sfogliare !

Online an extract of Magazine SALON number 119 ! Fashion, catwalks, the greatest suggestions for next season: browse now !

Sfoglialo ora !
Browse now !



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