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International Visionary Award – UK

26 Jul, 2016

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The International Visionary Award was created by Alternative Hair President Anthony Mascolo to find new talent, as well as giving a wider number of hairdressers, from across the globe, the opportunity to appear on stage as part of the enduring Alternative Hair Show.

Now in its 33rd year, the Alternative Hair Charity Foundation raises funds to support blood cancer charities and to date has raised in excess of £9 Million towards successful research into childhood Leukaemia.

This year’s International Visionary Award has 3 categories:

  • (Ladies) Avant-Garde
  • (Ladies) Cut & Colour
  • Men’s Cut & Style


L’International Visionary Award è stato creato dal presidente dell’Alternative Hair Antony Mascolo per scovare nuovi talenti tra i parrucchieri di tutto il mondo.

Oggi, arrivata al suo 33esimo anno, l’Alternative Hair Charity Foundation, continua a raccogliere fondi per supportare la lotta alla Leucemia e ha raggiunto il traguardo di 9 milioni di sterline da dedicare alla ricerca per combattere e leucemie infantili.

Quest’anno l’International Visionary Award ha tre categorie:

  • (Donne): avantgarde
  • (Donne): taglio e colore
  • Uomini taglio e style
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