gossip ❤️ news

Gossip ❤️ News

Month: August 2016

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EQUIPE SAGLIETTO di Imperia alla sfilata
‘Moda sotto le stelle’

Moda sotto le stelle

Il Salone EQUIPE SAGLIETTO è tra i sostenitori della terza edizione di “Moda sotto le stelle”, sfilata che si svolgerà il 1 settembre a Imperia. Domani sera alle ore 21:00 via Monti, piazza Rossini e la Galleria degli Orti della città ligure si trasformeranno in una passerella a cielo aperto. L’evento nasce dall’unione di 25 commercianti che si riuniscono per gestire in autonomia uno degli eventi più attesi dell’estate ligure. L’invito è esteso a tutti coloro vogliano scoprire le novità Autunno/Inverno 2016/17 o semplicemente godersi una serata di divertimento e sorprese con musica curata da Dj Giova&Trama. Una serata di festa dove però un pensiero sarà rivolto ai terremotati del Centro Italia: la partecipazione alla sfilata sarà gratuita, ma verrà allestita una colletta per raccogliere fondi da destinare alle zone interessante dal recente sisma.



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BEAUTY COUPON: speciale sconto asciugacapelli Om System


Non sapevi che esiste una pratica alternativa all’asciugamano? GHIBLI/SCIROCCO sono gli unici asciugacapelli che funzionano aspirando l’umidità e producendo un piacevole tepore. Il loro utilizzo elimina l’uso degli asciugamani in Salone riducendo i costi e i tempi di lavoro, in più i capelli rimangono più morbidi e non subiscono i danni derivanti dall’azione meccanica dello sfregamento.

Ghibli e Scirocco aspirano completamente i residui schiumogeni e le impurità fra le squame dei capelli, riducendo anche i tempi e i costi di asciugatura.

è in offerta speciale con 70 euro di sconto !


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Alternative Hair Show – UK: 2016 CREATIVE TEAMS

Alternative Hair Show

16th October 2016  Royal Albert Hall – LONDON

Alternative Hair Show Creative Teams 2016:


Have you already bought your tickets for ALTERNATIVE HAIR SHOW 2016?

Grand Tier and Loggia Boxer are alraedy SOLD OUT  but Second Tier, Arena, Stalls and Circle are still available.

Click here to buy tickets

Alternative Hair Show



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Palazzo Gozzi Bed&Beauty – Parma: inaugurazione


Domenica 18 Settembre dalle ore 10:00
Palazzo Gozzi Strada Antonio Cocconcelli, n. 1 – Parma

Al via il progetto unico nel suo genere di Roberto Gozzi Parrucchieri: dopo un’accurata ristrutturazione prende vita PALAZZO GOZZI BED&BEAUTY.
Nell’affascinante e storica cornice di Palazzo Gozzi, a Parma, a due passi da Parco Ducale, apre i battenti un Bed & breakfast accogliente e dallo stile elegante ma informale.

Chi soggiornerà a “PALAZZO GOZZI BED&BEAUTY” non solo usufruirà dei servizi di pernottamento e prima colazione, ma avrà diritto anche agli esclusivi trattamenti di acconciatura presso il Salone Roberto Gozzi Parrucchieri.

Pensato per chi, viaggiando per piacere o per lavoro, ama sentirsi sempre in ordine, PALAZZO GOZZI BED&BEAUTY vi aspetta alla sua inaugurazione.



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International Trade Fair in Kenya – 16-18 September

kenya trade show

14th KENYA TRADE SHOW 2016, International Trade Exhibition, is coming. It’s the region’s largest showcase of foreign products, equipment and machinery. The event will be held from 16-18 September at Sarit Expo Centre, Westlands.

The annual event attracts visitors from all over East & Central Africa while exhibitors participate from over 15 countries. PRODUCTS DISPLAYED: Automotive – IT & Electronics – Building & Construction – Medical & Pharmaceutical – Food & Hotel Supplies – Consumer & Household – Industrial & Machinery – Safety & Security – Printing & Packaging – Plastics & Rubber.


Il 14esimo KENYA TRADE SHOW 2016, Fiera Internazionale del Commercio, è alle porte. L’evento è la più grande vetrina della regione per quanto riguarda prodotti stranieri, attrezzature e macchinari. L’evento si terrà dal 16-18 settembre a Sarit Expo Centre, Westlands.

L’evento annuale attira visitatori da tutta l’Africa centrale e oriantale, gli espositori provengono da oltre 15 paesi del mondo. Ambiti espositivi: Automotive – IT & Electronics – Building & Construction – Medical & Pharmaceutical – Food & Hotel Supplies – Consumer & Household – Industrial & Machinery – Safety & Security – Printing & Packaging – Plastics & Rubber.


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Visionary Award – UK: 2016 Finalists Announced

Visionary Award

This year’s International Visionary Award saw an unprecedented number of entries from over 50 countries, in the 3 categories: Cut & Colour, Avante-Garde & Mens.

The International Visionary Award was created by Alternative Hair President Anthony Mascolo to find new talent, as well as giving a wider number of hairdressers, from across the globe, the opportunity to appear on stage as part of the enduring Alternative Hair Show.

Anthony Mascolo who headed the panel of judges, said: “Every year the quality of the work and the reach of entries gets more and more impressive. It’s been particularly exciting to see how many entries we’ve received from countries like Taiwan, Australia, the USA, Russia, Japan, Tel Aviv, Canada, Mexico as well as just about every European country and of course, the UK.”

It’s been a really tough job to choose the finalists who will appear live on-stage at the Royal Albert Hall on Sunday on October 16th 2016. The finalists from each category will be launched on Alternative Hair’s digital platforms early September.

Now in its 34th year, the Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation raises money to support fundamental Leukaemia research and to date has raised in excess of £9.5 Million towards successful research into childhood Leukaemia.

For information and tickets for this year’s Show, entitled Odyssey, please visit: www.alternativehair.org


Avant Garde: Ahkim Anthony Tan (Australia) – Ayhan Onluel (Turkey) – Amanda Whittome (Ireland) – Dallant Flint (USA) – Dylan Jack McConnachie (UK) – Tsai Chia Ming (Taiwan) – Shelly Pengilly  (UK) – Yeh Li Wei (Taiwan) – Laura McLeod (Australia) – Emmanuel Estaban (UK) – Sylvestre Finold (UK) – Jonas Wixner (Sweden) – Miharu Kobayashi (Japan) – Damian Witkowski (Poland) – Nadia Semanic (Australia) – Hsieh Ching Shen (Taiwan) – Chika Isaji (Japan) – Zhlinskiy Sergey (Russia)

Cut and Colour:

Marese Sweeney (Ireland) – Rafael Rubin (Tel Aviv) – Huseyin Alkan (Turkey) – Eba Stromblad (Sweden) – Nuru Perkins (UK) – Sayaka Mawatari (Japan) – Haus Lee (Taiwan) – Ashleigh Hodges (UK) – Karoliina Saunders (UK) – Pino Troncone (Italy) – Marta Robak (Poland) – Luigi Martini (Italy) – Metod Tasic (Slovenia) – Mirko Schioppa (Italy) – Paulina Truong (Canada) – Avram Golemechkov (Bulgaria)


Niall Bennett (Ireland) – Yuki Kano (Australia) – Ari Koponen (Sweden) – Carlos Valiate Esaiva (Spain) – Joel McCauley (UK) – Giovanni Napolitano (Italy) – Wilo Rojas (Italy) – Robert Briscolini (Italy) – Chi Tai Liu (Taiwan) – Lin Yi Siou (Taiwan) – Sal Misseri (USA) – Elias Habibson (Sweden) – Iva Nanchen (Switzerland) – Locher Jeremie (Switzerland) – Alessandro Santi (Italy)


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ALTERNATIVE HAIR Charitable Foundation – UK: You can offer a DAY in PARADISE

Alternative Hair - paradise

The ALTERNATIVE HAIR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, Fighting Leukaemia, are planning a children’s outing to Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire on September 3rd.

Every year the ALTERNATIVE HAIR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION invite children suffering with leukaemia on a respite trip along with their family to get away from the everyday hospital surroundings. They will have an opportunity to meet other families who are going through similar experience.

A donation of as littele as £ 160 will give a family a day out their will remember and truly deserve.

If you would like to offer your donation please contact ALTERNATIVE HAIR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION at info@alternativehair.org


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Raywell e Envie: Miss Red Carpet Toscana e Lazio

miss red carpet

Continua l’avanzata delle MISS RAYWELL ed ENVIE nel concorso MISS RED CARPET.
La finale delle Regione Toscana ha assegnato le fasce nazionali Intercosmetics a:

  • Miss Envie Intercosmetics Milano Gessica Valerio (VICENZA)
  • Miss Raywell Intercosmetics Milano Laura Zen (VICENZA)

miss red carpetmiss red carpetmiss red carpet

La prefinale Lazio è avvenuta nel cuore di Roma mentre la finale a Fregene.

miss red carpet

Tutte le fasciate accederanno di diritto alle fasi finali il 2 e 3 settembre al Lido di Venezia, in occasione del Festival Internazionale del Cinema.



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It’s a Code Black Alert for Albert Park – Australia!

Albert ParkAlbert Park Albert Park

Award-winning hairdresser, and the man behind Albert Park’s iconic Ibiza Hair salon, Michael Piastrino has expanded his empire, opening Code Black Barbershop in July 2016, just two doors down from Ibiza Hair. A super cool space enhanced by concrete floors, old school barber chairs, and a selection of beverages that will quench your thirst, Code Black oozes cool sophistication and style; the perfect haven for any guy looking to chill out and receive a tailored grooming experience. “Ibiza has been such a success for me, but I really wanted to create a cool Barbershop for the men of Melbourne that wasn’t too traditional yet where they’ll have great personalized service, the highest quality haircuts, moustache trims and beard tidies, and cut throat, hot towel shaves,” says Michael. “I’m really proud of what we have created – the feeling you get when you walk into the shop is a feeling like no other! If you’ve had a long week or you’re simply just tired, the high energy and atmosphere at Code Black will have you bouncing back in no time!” Code Black boasts a talented team handpicked for their exceptional skills, carefully trained to guarantee clients always receive the high standard associated with Code Black. Says Michael, “We pride ourselves on our customer service; from our personable approach, and your dedicated barber taking you through your whole service; to our integrated vacuum system ensuring no hair strays down the neck; to our whisky and coffee bar offering a rolling calendar of seasonal tipples.” “As an additional point of difference, we also offer our newly created and launched Franco Alphonse & Co Barber Shop Grooming Products; a tailored product range which we use in the shop throughout services and retail to clients.”

The stylish and relaxing design highlights the masculine environment with Scottish oak cutting desks providing a communal atmosphere and bringing back the legacy of the barber as a social hub in the community. Although still the new kid on the block, Code Black has already captured the attention of an array of AFL Players, former Mafia Boss Michael Franzese and Scotty Cam from THE BLOCK. “We’re servicing a great clientele already and look forward to welcoming more men of Melbourne into the shop,” says Michael. And the name? Code references the unique code behind the cuts delivered at the shop, and Black is simply because 60% of the shop is black!



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