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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: October 2016

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EMSIBETH ❤️ grande successo giornate formative SPECIAL COLORIST



Un progetto ricchissimo, che ha avuto un ottimo riscontro: centinaia di parrucchieri hanno aderito all’iniziativa di EMSIBETH,la nota Azienda produttrice di cosmetici per capelli di Verona, partecipando agli show-formazione per COLORISTI ESPERTI, CERTIFICATI EMSIBETH.

La “SPECIAL COLORIST COMMUNITY” è un progetto a 360 gradi che parte dalla fornitura al Salone di prodotti eccellenti per la colorazione, passa attraverso il supporto alle iniziative di marketing in Salone, supporta l’acquisizione di nuovi clienti grazie al “Salon Locator” e alla pubblicazione su riviste di settore e chiude il cerchio con la formazione declinata nella consulenza costante del “Color Coach” e nel Seminario “Special Colorist”.

Le due giornate formative “Special Colorist” si sono svolte la prima a Verona (2 e 3 ottobre) e la seconda a Pescara (9 e 10 ottobre) e sono state entrambe uno strepitoso successo !



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BRIGHT: la colorazione per capelli che sta spopolando tra i parrucchieri



BRIGHT PROFESSIONAL HAIR è la colorazione ad olio senza Ammoniaca, con Olio di Argan e Bacche di Goji, distribuita da MELCAP (Nola – Napoli).

È arricchita con estratti di Malva, Quercia marina e Camomilla: una miscela dalle proprietà emollienti, antiossidanti e stimolanti che rinforza e protegge la struttura capillare.
Il Mallo di Noce e la Cassia Obovata, coloranti naturali per capelli, ravvivano il colore dall’interno rendendolo più luminoso.

GEL OIL è il TRATTAMENTO COLORANTE IN GEL SENZA AMMONIACA arricchito con DENSITY PLUS, per una texture  morbida e consistente, facile da applicare senza rischio di gocciolare.
Il trattamento colorante GEL OIL protegge, rivitalizza e copre i capelli bianchi in modo perfetto con ben 30 fantastiche nuances !


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Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team – NL, Tribute Collection 2016

Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team
Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team
Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team

Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team
Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team
Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team

RICHARD and KIMM were inspired and trained following the principles of Vidal Sassoon, the founder of contemporary HAIR CUTTING TECHNIQUES. Kimm’s current collection resembles the past collections in its consistent focus on the hair (rather than on all the ‘noise’ surrounding it), on constant innovation, and wearable styles.

High technical standards, craftsmanship, and constant innovation are the roots Kimm builds on, both in this Tribute Collection and as a modern trendsetter.

HAIR: Kimm Koffijberg and Creative team – NL
Collection: Tribute Collection 2016 – Fall
Ph: Hans Mooijer
Make-up: Dominika Swietlink
Styling: Patricia Giesbers
Thanks to: Keune Haircosmetics and Denman Brushes
Text: Karin Jobse, senior communicatieadviseur



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Ken Picton Art Team – UK
Technik Collection

Ken Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art Team

Ken Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art Team

Ken Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art TeamKen Picton Art Team

This collection explores textures and colour, but also focuses on creating beautiful, enticing images. We wanted to explore how light would change the fabric and create different feels.

HAIR: Ken Picton Art Team – UK
Collection: Technik
Ph: Andrew O’ Toole
Make-up: Naoko Scintu
Stylist: Thea Lewis Yates



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Salon International, London – UK: from Boys to Men

15 – 17 October 2016
ExCeL London – UK

Find the right products to achieve the best look for your male clients! At Salon International you can discover a wide range of brands offering products, tools and equipment for the men’s market!
Salon International is reflecting the rapid growth in men’s hairdressing, barbering and male grooming with a focus on the trends, treatments and products that you need to offer to attract this style conscious demographic.

Discover the HJ Men Stage where the world’s leading barbers and men’s stylists offer three days of exciting presentations! Free to attend when you purchase your Salon International ticket.
Or participate in the HJ’s Barber of the Year competition, sponsored by Andis to showcase your barbering skills!


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Adrian Barclay – NZ
Savage Goddess Collection

Adrian BarclayAdrian BarclayAdrian Barclay

Adrian BarclayAdrian Barclay

“Inspired by a recent trip throughout the Middle East, Adrian Barclay found inspiration from the ancient world. Architectural designs and stories of great battles created inspiration for this couture collection. Almost mummified headdress, caress strong internal design lines forging a new medium of hair design. I have a real interest in the design lines & shape taken from cues of the past, bringing them forth using new textures including hair and different fabrics. Women wouldn’t normally be on the battlefield in ancient times so I created a new story where ethereal goddesses could rein superior and be incredibly sexy.

HAIR: Adrian Barclay – NZ
Collection: Savage Goddess
Ph: Angela Henderson



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HAIR PIERCING es mas trendy

hair piercing
El HAIRPIERCING consiste en pequeños aros que se colocan a lo largo de las trenzas como si de piercings se trataran. Se puede escoger entre una amplia gama de incrustaciones: de colores, metálicas e incluso colgantes que le den un aire divertido y desenfadado al look. Todo depende del efecto final que se quiera conseguir.

Se trata de un piercing muy versátil que combina bien con trenzas de raíz, de boxeadora e incluso con pequeñas trenzas africanas acompañadas de una melena suelta.



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