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The International Creative Team led by Mark Hayes @ Sassoon – UK, Poetica Collection

27 Dec, 2016

Sassoon Academy presents a futuristic bricolage of East meets West. Chinese cheong-sams, Japanese kimonos and Korean hanboks are combined with modern sportswear and utility fashion for new tribes of techno nomads, offbeat courtesans and virtual vagabonds. Techno bobs are disrupted versions of the iconic Sassoon look with disconnected elliptical sections and concentric layering. Colour distorts across the surface of deconstructed layers; pure minimalist cuts give strength to dramatic texture. Structured curls with an intricately wound directional flow are coloured to a high resolution iridescence.

HAIR: The International Creative Team led by Mark Hayes @ Sassoon – UK
Collection: Poetica
Ph: Benjamin Vnuk
Make-up: Daniel Koleric
Styling: Lucie Perrier


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