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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: January 2017

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Mayte Garrote @ Different Estilistas – España, Gea Collection

Gea es la Diosa Tierra! La inspiración ha sido nuestro globo terráqueo con su increíble paleta de colores… ya sea un atardecer con sus tonos anaranjados… o el azul turquesa de una intensidad abrumadora en las cálidas costas caribeñas, o el sinfín de pinceladas y variaciones infinitas entre verdes y marrones de nuestros bosques… en fin, colores de nuestra madre tierra. Texturas diversas, desde lo más puro, pulido, suave y liso al desorden ordenado de un cabello afro de un gris rocoso; pasando por un cabello de tonos verdinegros con una textura pajiza y un corte des-estructurado, o una melena medusa y una cascada de agua turquesa… incluso un corte marcado y con textura liviana…todo ello es: Gea.

Hair: Mayte Garrote @ Different Estilistas – España
Collection: Gea
Ph: David Arnal
Make-up: Alex Alva
Styling: Eunnis Mesa



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Dmitry Vinokurov – Russia, Spells of incognito Collection

Hair: Dmitry Vinokurov – Russia
Collection: Spells of incognito
Ph: Ilin Mikhail
Make-up: Abyzova Irina Gorlouchco Nina
Coloring: Zhilinsky Sergey, Maslov Sergey, Bakhtina Irina, Zabrodina Marina, Grigoreva Elena, Fomagin Pavel, Zaitcev Oleg, Litvinenko Natalia, Narimanova Veronika
Art director: Putkin Sergey



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NUOVI PRODOTTI: non basta l’idea

I prodotti nuovi solo eccezionalmente sono innovazioni stratosferiche. Spesso si va per miglioramenti incrementali.

Ma l’innovazione può risiedere, oltre che nella formula, anche nel packaging, nella presentazione del merchandising, nella comunicazione. Perché per un terzo dei nuovi prodotti, validi o meno che siano, manca poi il supporto del marketing e questo ne decreta il fallimento: i consumatori non sanno che esistono, non li trovano nei Saloni, oppure non si sentono incentivati a provarli.

Secondo un’indagine Nielsen un packaging rinnovato fa crescere i ricavi del 5,5% rispetto a quello tradizionale.

Si può quindi dedurre che non sempre l’innovazione è nel prodotto stesso quanto nel modo di proporlo e quindi nel marketing.


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Dmitry Vinokurov – Russia, So Easy Collection


Hair: Dmitry Vinokurov – RU
Collection: So Easy
Ph: Olkhovoy Alexey
Make-up: Skakunov Denis
Coloring: Zhilinsky Sergey, Maslov Sergey, Bakhtina Irina, Kotenyov Artyom, Bakhtina Irina, Ilin Mikhail, Fomagin Pavel, Toshov Joni
Art director: Putkin Sergey



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I Sargassi Artistic Team – Italia, Fhairy tale Collection

Nel profilo della donna Sargassi emerge una femminilità in tutte le sue sfumature, ispirata ai colori suggestivi di una natura inesplorata e avvolta dalla magia dei boschi.

Hair: I Sargassi Artistic Team – Italia
Collection: Fhairy tale
Ph: Giorgia Sallustio
Make-up: I Sargassi Artistic Team
Stylist: Made in testaccio di Gloria Brescini
Graphic Design: Nw Design
Shooting and editing: Simona Santelli



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The Rush Oscars (UK): Celebrating Success


Celebrating another phenomenal year, with the opening of 11 new salons, including the most northern RUSH SALON in Manchester and the continual growth of the company both on a business level and creatively, the Rush Oscars once again provided the perfect way to get 2017 off to a flying start.

Held at the beautiful art deco Savoy Theatre and hosted by International Creative Director, Andy Heasman and International Colour Director, Chris Williams, who immediately introduced Co-Founder and CEO, Andy Phouli onto stage, who welcomed 2017 as a ‘new year, new direction and new venture.’ Andy went on to share Rush’s plans for building and developing the brand and how proud the Rush family is of the entire team.

LDC, part of Lloyds Banking Group, has come on board to help grow Rush into a major national brand.
The investment will help to accelerate Rush’s national expansion of the brand as the company plans to fast-track the roll out and almost double its salon count over the next four years.

Co-founder and CEO, Stell Andrew took to the stage to give a compassionate speech, calling 2016 the best year Rush have ever had and that for 2017, the team will step up to the challenge.
Rush hairdressers are full of passion and creativity, with one goal and one commitment.

Each year RUSH raise valuable funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital with their show, Rush Live. This year was no exception. Rush’s Tina Farey and Paola Pinto took to the stage to speak about how much Rush’s long-standing relationship with GOSH means to the company and presented GOSH with a cheque for £14,800 which was raised at Rush Live taking the total raised over seven years to £120,000.

Co-Founder Andy and CEO drew the evening to a close bringing on daughters Sophia and Georgia to present the final award for London Salon of the Year to Baker Street.

The Rush Hair Oscar Winners:
Andrea Lowe Award
Assistant of the Year
Alfie Johnson – Croydon, George St.
Front of House of the Year
Issac Sasso – Walton-On-Thames
Beauty Therapist of the Year
Abbie Denton – Sutton
Retailer of the Year
Perry Whitehead – Bromley 
In association with L’Oreal Professional Products Division
Retail Salon of the Year
The House of Rush
Newcomer of the Year
Support Centre Operator Award
Shannida Belgrave
Head Office Award
Nicola Ellul
Photographic Award
1st: Ryan Humpage – Epsom
2nd: Aneta Adulfe – Greenwich
3rd: Shelly Sumner – Moorgate
STC Stylist of the Year
Michael Butterfield – Southampton
Colourist of the Year (Joint Winner) 2x Awards
Ben Hudson – Guildford and Lauren Gilkerson – Clapham
Stylist of the Year
Sanchia Hawyard-Holst – One New Change
Franchisee of the Year
Lucy Kundomal – Ealing and Kingston
Manager of the Year
Tina Poonam Mehmi – Kensington
Outstanding Achievement Award
One New Change
Salon of the Year
Salon of the Year
Westfield Stratford
Salon of the Year
Salon of the Year
Salon of the Year
Baker Street
Social Media Award for Salons
Kings Cross


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Jo McKay – AU, Nebula Collection

Nebula: an interstellar cloud of dust where stars and planets are born. Fabric textures in this striking ensemble, with overlaying threads and transparencies, are truly embodied in this Nordic inspired collection. The colour palettes are soft vintage pastels of lemon, rose and pistachio, creating dreamy cloud like effects through the hair. From soft, delicate apricots to bold, bright oranges, this transition to copper tones is expected to hit the ground running.

HAIR: Jo McKay – AU
Collection: Nebula
Ph: Ole Musken
Make-up: Pauline Nærholm
Styling: Tommy Løland
Hair color: Jo McKay
Hair styling: Ellen Marie Johansen, assisted by Michael Bui



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GAMMA PIÙ: il phon ❤️ compatto più leggero al mondo


è il phon compatto più leggero al mondo e con la massima potenza. Il sistema “evolution turbo compressor technology” incrementa la pressione e la velocità dell’aria a contatto con le spazzole.
La griglia, rivestita in tormalina, ionizza l’aria rendendo i capelli più vivi e brillanti.


GAMMA PIÙ ETC LIGHT is the most lightweight compact with maximum power. The “evolution turbo compressor technology” increases the pressure and speed of the air in contact with the brush.
It is the most lightweight hairdryer in the world. The tourmaline coated grill ionizes the air revitalizing hair and making them more brilliant.

Gamma Più S.r.l. Via Caduti del Lavoro, 22
25046 Cazzago San Martino (BS) – Tel: +39 030.7750077


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Blue Tit Vision Team – UK, Vol1 Collection

Hair: Blue Tit Vision Team – UK
Collection: Vol1
Ph: Doris Himmelbauer @ D.himmelbauer.com
Make-up: Christoph Haider
Blue Tit Vision Team: Christoph Haider, Tom Warr, Kamila Pruszek, Harriet Franks, Robbie McPhilomey, Silvio Hauke




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