With 140 collections from 72 hairdressing firms, 2017 Spanish Hairdressing Awards maintain its extremely high levels. From the 6th June, all the participating collections can be visited in Club Figaro’s official page. After entry deadline (31st May), 2017 Spanish Hairdressing Awards have registered again an awesome participation.
In this eighth edition, 72 hairdressing firms have taken part, with 140 collections. So, each competing firm have submitted 1,9 collections on average. Also, this year a 42% of competing firms are not Club Fígaro members, a figure that shows that the competition has become more plural and involves all Spanish industry. Next step in competition are the jury voting stages, in two rounds, which start this week and must be done online, independently and anonymously. Competing collections are only identified by an alphanumeric code to guarantee the fairness and all the process is audited by an independent auditor to ensure complete impartiality.
On July 3rd, Club Fígaro will announce the 15 finalists collections and will reveal their authors. The 2017 Spanish Hairdressing Awards will be presented 6th November in the glittering Fígaro Catwalk, that will take place again in Salón Look Madrid. These figures confirm Fígaro Awards as the must-attend competition in Spanish hairdressing and one of the most crowded in the world. Felicitas Ordás, president of Club Fígaro, showed his satisfaction: “We are so proud of this sustained growth, Fígaro Awards maintain its level of participation and quality and it’s a proof of this project’s consolidation. Keep on moving! ”.