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Cada 25 de agosto se festeja el Día del Peluquero. Un oficio a cargo de profesionales que no se dedican únicamente al arreglo del cabello, sino también a crear belleza. A la vez que se conmemora este día, se pone en valor el trabajo de un montón de profesionales. Durante la jornada, se ofrecen servicios y ofertas especiales a la clientela, además de organizar talleres y formaciones donde se tratan nuevas técnicas y tendencias en peinados, productos, etc…
La evolución y adaptación al paso del tiempo ha sido una de las constantes del sector de la peluquería, profesión de la que existe constancia en civilizaciones antiguas, romanas y griegas. Sin embargo, la elección de esta onomástica se remonta al siglo XVIII. Se cuenta que en la Francia del siglo XVIII, un peluquero realizó un gran trabajo de peinado y composición en una peluca, siendo nombrado Caballero, posteriormente, por Luis XV de la Corte francesa. Dicha coronación tuvo lugar el 25 de agosto. Este acto fue muy comentado en otros lugares y con el tiempo se estableció esa fecha como un día de reconocimiento a los peluqueros. Durante el ‘Día Mundial del Peluquero Peinador‘, en algunos países se realizan competiciones para premiar a los mejores peluqueros participantes.
Los primeros peluqueros profesionales no se empezaron a popularizar hasta el siglo XIX. En un principio, estos peluqueros trabajaban a domicilio, algo que no se ha perdido del todo en la actualidad. La mayoría se habían especializado en peinados y cortes femeninos. Por su parte, el barbero era el encargado de afeitar y cortar el pelo de barbas, bigotes, patillas y cabello masculino.
Este viaje histórico por el pasado de la profesión culmina en los salones actuales, establecimientos que incorporan nuevos servicios de peluquería y de estética y belleza. Los salones se convierte en locales polivalentes, dinámicos y rentables. Buenas noticias para todos los que se dedican a esta profesión tan artística y creativa.
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A rock opera is a collection of songs that dramatically tell a story and Sam Villa’s story is all in the details. Let the music take you away to vivid details in cutting and finishing that have a rebellious urban feel, yet are practical and functional. The message is: the haircut is back with clever structural lines, layering has evolved with detached irregular patterns, and spot finishing is key for enhancing natural texture and control. Braids, knots, twists and plaits continue to bring interest and accessories add drama and polish. Sam Villa, 2017 NAHA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, is inspired by connection and pledges to be a resource for the linking of ideas and people in the salon industry.
New Products: The Sam Villa Artist Series 2-in-1 Marcel Curling Iron and Wand 1” – Create today’s soft texture by free styling to form multi-textured styles with both a Marcel curling and wand. This iron is unique in two ways: 1. It has a 1” barrel circumference (the most popular size) with the added benefit of the barrel length being 3/4” longer than traditional irons, making it ideal for longer hair. 2. With the simple touch of a button it can go from a Marcel iron to a wand.
Sam Villa Signature Series Professional 1” Curling Iron – With an extended ceramic barrel and heating element, this iron provides more surface area for styling and distribution of heat throughout the entire barrel. It’s also designed with targeted temperature technology, which maintains consistent temperatures (without spikes) for specific hair types to protect hair from the stress of thermal styling.
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En la convocatoria podrán participar equipos integrados por: Estilista, Maquillista, Diseñador, Modelo y Fotógrafo de origen Mexicano o extranjero.
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Pall Mall Barbers were recently invited to set up their pop-up shop for a second time, at the Champions League Final. Pall Mall Barbers pop-up shop team joined sponsor Mastercard in their “priceless and madness” experiences on 1 June. The team headed to Cardiff and spent four days providing football fans with the ultimate barbering experience. Fans were told to ask for a “priceless” haircut for a classic style, or a “madness” style for scalp art, which resulted in some brilliant football-inspired looks. The fans then took selfies with the barbers and included the #madnessorpriceless. The pop-up shop was incredibly popular with queues reaching a four-hour wait at some points. It’s estimated that the team did around 750 haircuts across the entire long weekend.
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Celebrated hairdresser, Andrew Barton, has been awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Arts from Southampton Solent University.
Speaking before the ceremony, Andrew said: “It’s such a great honour to receive this Doctor of Arts from Solent University – not only for me, but also for our great hairdressing industry. British hairdressing is renowed throughout the world and our stylists dominate the fashion runways; advertising campaigns; education and international magazine editorial work. As hairdressers, we have the power to not only transform how someone looks but how he/she feels about themeselves. It’s wonderful that this amazing industry has received the recognition it deserves as an art.”
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Giro di vite nell’utilizzo di Photoshop in pubblicità. In Francia, paese di grandi marchi cosmetici e di moda, è stata approvata una nuova disciplina che stabilisce l’obbligo per tutte le foto nelle quali l’immagine delle modelle sia stata elaborata o migliorata attraverso programmi software, di indicare tale trattamento nella didascalia dell’immagine pubblicitaria stessa.
Questa nuova disciplina entrerà in vigore dal 1° ottobre 2017 e stabilisce l’obbligo di utilizzo della dicitura “fotografia ritoccata”. Un intervento che acquista una duplice valenza. Da un lato porre un freno al ricorso a modelle eccessivamente magre, così favorendo stili alimentari scorretti e potenzialmente dannosi; dall’altro evitare forme di ingannevolezza del pubblico attraverso immagini sugli effetti dei prodotti reclamizzati eccessivi.
Le nuove regole, che si applicheranno in Francia alle sole foto e immagini utilizzate in pubblicità e non ai servizi ed articoli di informazione, prevedono in caso di violazione sanzioni fino a 37.500 euro.
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Per fidelizzare il cliente non basta più il classico catalogo a premi generico, ma occorre coinvolgerlo in una relazione con il marchio offrendo vantaggi personalizzati, proposti sulla base dell’analisi dei suoi comportamenti, sulle sue passioni e abitudini, senza dimenticare che l’emozione rimane un fattore fondamentale nell’acquisto.
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Per la prima volta, quest’anno, Facebook registrerà un calo di utenti tra i ragazzi che hanno dai 12 ai 17 anni, secondo le stime di eMarketer.
Le previsioni mostrano anche, sempre per la prima volta, che Snapchat batterà Instagram e Facebook per numero di utenti nelle fasce 12-17 e 18-24 anni.