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New Hair Collection: Roger Mulholland – IRL, This is Real Collection ( 4 Photos)

28 Aug, 2017

The inspiration behind this shoot was real men. I didn’t want to go down the usual route of tailored tapering, neat fading, perfect outlines and looks that were neatly blow-dried, straightened and moulded into a prefect shape. Rather I wanted to leave the so-called ‘imperfections’ of the hair as they were and actually exaggerate them even. So there has been no attempt to hide or change receding hairlines, control stray hairs, smooth, uneven finishes and leave hair blunt and heavily greased. The result is uneven curls and inconsistency; what some might consider mistakes. The aim of this collection was to create content that challenged the strict rules in barbering. It was important not to create a perfect air-brushed and Photoshopped images, but to create a collection that reflected real men and real hair not some pristine look that you’d see online or on TV.

Hair: Roger Mulholland – IRL
Collection: This is Real
Ph: Rían MaMahon- Mac Creative
Images: Five Point Alliance


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