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New Hair Collection: Stipe Filipovic – BA, Bestiae Collection ( 5 Photos)

28 Aug, 2017


Countless times people have used their power to mistreat animals, in the fashion industry as well as other areas, often in the cruelest of ways, resulting in torture, mutilation, and when finished, putting to death. As an animal lover and because of the industry that I work in, I’m against every form of violence against animals. Through the “Bestiae” campaign I want to prove that we can create products that meet human needs without the necessity of abusing an animal’s needs. For these hair styles, I have collected animal remains, including feathers, wool, and fur from cats, horses and dogs. The main point of this campaign is to raise public awareness to the global abuse and exploitation of Animal kingdom.

Hair: Stipe Filipovic – BA
Collection: Bestiae
Ph: Karmen Poznic
Make-up: Seka Kozul
Models: Marko Radoja, Ivan Matic, Anda Maric, Sarah Ivankovic, Josip Tabak
Hair Assistant: Anda Zoric
Retouching: Nina Masic


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