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Priceless experience for barbers

30 Aug, 2017


Pall Mall Barbers were recently invited to set up their pop-up shop for a second time, at the Champions League Final. Pall Mall Barbers pop-up shop team joined sponsor Mastercard in their “priceless and madness” experiences on 1 June. The team headed to Cardiff and spent four days providing football fans with the ultimate barbering experience. Fans were told to ask for a “pricelesshaircut for a classic style, or a “madnessstyle for scalp art, which resulted in some brilliant football-inspired looks. The fans then took selfies with the barbers and included the #madnessorpriceless. The pop-up shop was incredibly popular with queues reaching a four-hour wait at some points. It’s estimated that the team did around 750 haircuts across the entire long weekend.

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