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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: September 2017

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New Hair Collection: Andrew Collinge Creative Team – UK, Pure part 2 Collection (4 Photos)

The Andrew Collinge Creative Team, working in collaboration with top TIGI colourist Warren Boodaghians have produced a collection of tousled, wearable hairstyles, perfect for the summer. Says Andrew “Working with pure white as the backdrop allowed us to emphasise and celebrate the hair colours used . Everything seemed to magnify and grow more intense in this setting as we were inspired to keep the colour work quite simple but at the same time, bold.

Hair: Andrew Collinge Creative Team
Collection: Pure part 2
Ph: Alex Barron-Hough
Make-up: Liz Collinge
Styling: Jiv D
Colour: Warren Boodaghians



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EMILIO PUCCI: ecco la sua proposta di look alla Milano Fashion Week SS18


Paolo Soffiati firma gli hairstyle di EMILIO PUCCI alla Milano Fashion Week SS18.

Esplode l’estate in tutto il suo glamour nella sfilata di Emilio Pucci: una festa in piscina, sole splendente, acqua che scintilla, allegria che si sprigiona dal costume da bagno al caftano. In un bagliore di cristalli e volant che si increspano, piccoli pois e pizzo sangallo regalano freschezza a chemisier, tute, shorts e costumi da bagno.

Ad esaltare il look full summer, gli hairstyle effetto bagnato di Paolo Soffiati e il Wella Italia Team che hanno completato ed acceso il look giocoso e femminile con hairlook extra lucidi e sinuosi. Acconciature iper chic e seducenti, chiome bagnate che aderiscono alla nuca, riga bassa e attaccatura piena.  I capelli scendono fluenti e composti accarezzando i tessuti dai colori limpidi e brillanti. Il mood party in piscina è in perfetta sintonia con la palette cromatica e gli accessori della collezione.


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“HEADHACKERS”, the X-presion solution for the 7th edition of SHOW POSITIVO (Madrid)


This November 5th, SHOW POSITIVO will be back with its 7th edition. This future edition will offer visitors surprises like guest art director Tom Connell and a conference led by the technology evangelist Javier Sirvent. An innovative meeting, unique in the sector, that will take place within the framework of the Look Internacional fair at IFEMA, in Madrid at 16:00 in the 14.1 Pavilion.

Jorge, Marco and José make up X-pressure, the team dedicated to R&D&i in the hairdressing field that continues to revolutionise traditional systems through innovation and disruptive solutions. For yet another year they are organizing Show Positivo, though the theme on this occasion is “#HeadHackers, update your mind”, playing with the ambiguity between the mind and hair, two fields they are masters of. At the upcoming edition, they will surprise the audience by opening up a new universe before their eyes, pushing beyond innovation in hair and hacking the minds of the attendees, allowing them to experience something new in the global hairdressing industry.

SHOW POSITIVO is making history across the sector, bringing together top professionals at previous editions including Lluis Llongueras, Robert Lobetta, Tim Hartley, Ilham Mestour, and Richard Ashforth, with conferences by Emilio Duró and Mario Alonso Puig, among many others. This year will see the event attended by Trevor Sorbie, M.B.E (Member of the British Empire) along with his artistic director Tom Connell, and the technology evangelist Javier Sirvent, a regular contributor of Google and Twitter who will give a presentation on how to prevent technology making your role from becoming obsolete. During its already six editions, it has become an international event of reference on a global scale for professionals in the hairdressing sector who want to learn new innovative techniques. It is an event that brings the latest hairdressing trends to the audience through training and creative activities at the hands of professionals from all over the world.

The most recent edition of SHOW POSITIVO was the star event at the Salón Look International fair, with more than 75,000 potential visitors. The event was a great success for the public and critics alike, with the attendance of more than 900 people and about thirty national and international communication media representatives.

SHOW POSITIVO collaborates with ghd, Periche and Ifema. In addition, this edition adds the collaboration of media from across the industry including Beauty Market, C&C, Magazine, Coiffure Professionelle, GLOBElife, Estetica, Planetlook.com, Tupelu.com, Tocado, Amenity and NEO2.


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News Hair Collections: éSALON Creative Team – UK, Writhe Collection (6 Photos)

“WRITHE” is inspired by black and red art, in particular the abstract artworks of artist Russell Mills. Mills paints predominantly black and red portraits with the faces in focus yet the bodies are blurred with brushstrokes of red smudged throughout the works. What appealed to us most about these paintings was the exaggerated shapes of the hair; we were inspired to create these shapes however add an editorial aspect, something quite embellished yet relatable to our salon work.

Hair: éSALON Creative Team
Collection: Writhe
Ph: Milos Mlynarik
Make-up: Cheriene Waddell
Styling: Chris Lorimer



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New Hair Collection: Cebado – ES, Color Block/Color Back Collection (2 Photos)

Hair: Cebado
Collection: Color Block/Color Back



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New Hair Collection: Petra Blatnik Maček, Mojca Čas, Manca Plesec – SI, Motus Collection (7 Photos)


Hair: Petra Blatnik Maček, Mojca Čas, Manca Plesec
Collection: Motus
Ph: Mimi Antolovič
Make-up: Špela Ema Veble, Maja Šušnjara Gabor
Colouring: Manca Plesec, Saša Verdinek
Clothes Styling: In Hair Art Team Petra, Mojca, Manca, Barbara, Saša, Maja
Styling: Nina Jagodic
Digital Processing: Ajda Horvat



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New Hair Collection: David Barron – UK, Punk Twenties Collection (3 Photos)

The bobs of the twenties inspired the short sleek cuts in this collection. By omitting the twenties finger waves that were popular then, and then adding disconnection and a textured crown and you get an eighties spin on the classic 1920’s bob. Keeping the collection in black and white added to the 20’s nod.

Hair: David Barron
Collection: Punk Twenties
Ph: John Rawson
Make-up: Lan Nguyen-Grealis
Stylist: Jared Green



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STILEcapelli 11   HAIR – LUXURY – LOOK è in edicola !

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Il magazine di moda-capelli più ricercato del momento ti aspetta nelle edicole dei maggiori aeroporti italiani e stranieri, nei Duty Free, nelle più importanti stazioni ferroviarie e Autogrill, nei 50 HAIRSHOP e presso le librerie La Feltrinelli.

Oppure richiedila direttamente in redazione !


STILECAPELLI    HAIR – LUXURY – LOOK  è la rivista trimestrale di modacapelli pubblicata in occasione delle sfilate di Milano Fashion Week.


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Collezioni Primavera Estate 2018 alla MILANO FASHION WEEK: in anteprima i look


Teddy Charles per la sfilata SS18 di Blumarine ha giocato con le texture. Setose, leggermente mosse, dall’allure glamour le lunghezze, super disciplinata e lucida la parte davanti. Per realizzarla ha lavorato con siero lisciante, spazzola e phon per lucidare e poi con un ferro conico per creare il movimento. Per la parte davanti invece ha prima fissato con la lacca asciugata con il phon ed in ultimo ha lucidato con il gel fissante.



Damien Boissinot per la sfilata SS18 di Aquilano.Rimondi ha creato un look super scintillante. Chiome lunghissime, perfettamente lisce, riga centrale, così definita da sembrare disegnata e lucentezza estrema. Il look è stato creato con un siero lisciante applicato sulle lunghezze, stirate prima con spazzola e phon e poi rifinite con la piastra. Per fissare e dare lucentezza alla parte frontale è stata utilizzata una lacca ed un siero illuminante.



Marco Minunno ha creato per la sfilata di Vionnet un look con reminiscenze anni 70. Capelli leggeri, svolazzanti, un accenno al mondo gipsy dettato da una riga di frisé ultradefinito che va da occhio ad occhio incorniciando il capo. Per ottenere l’effetto, l’hairstylist ha creato la texture ed il volume in radice con una mousse volumizzante, ha asciugato utilizzando il diffusore e poi passato la piastra aiutandosi con il termo-protettore. Per definizione ha poi concluso con un siero anti-crespo.



Pierpaolo Lai ha creato per Brognano un look caratterizzato da capelli molto naturali, si è voluta mantenere una texture super estiva, un po’ sporca, dall’effetto next day, quasi salata, come se le modelle fossero state al mare. Per ottenere la texture sono stati utilizzati una cera sulle radici, lo spray a base salina per beach wave sulle lunghezze, le punte sono state poi rifinite con la crema lisciante. Il mood ricorda gli anni 90 in una versione molto moderna, con ispirazione baby Kate Moss.



Jawara, key artist per Genny, ha creato un leggero movimento. Ha iniziato texturizzando i capelli e modellandoli in modo da avere un capello messy ma glamour. Non un movimento banale, o il solito riccio, ma un leggero wave sulle lunghezze creato con uno spray per beach wave che con il movimento delle modelle ondeggia creando una sensazione di leggerezza.



Peter Gray ha creato per Les Copains un look asimmetrico dettato da un’onda piatta su un lato del capo e capelli lisci sull’altro. Le lunghezze sono poi state legate insieme in una coda bassa annodata con un fiocco di tessuto. Per ottenere una texture leggera ma dall’effetto un po’ vissuto e meno glamour gli hairstylists hanno utilizzato degli spray sulla base dei capelli umidi. Il twist Rock & Roll è dato dalle lunghezze sciolte ad arte che fuoriescono dal raccolto.



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New Hair Collection: Gonzalo Zarauza @Centro Beta – ES, New Stygian Collection (6 Photos)

“Waves and Colors” is a collection born with the idea of highlighting the beauty of hair, fusing waves and color and making these two components of the capillary design, its inspirational source. For me the hair is magical and unique because, being a solid element, it adopts sinuous and changing forms, as if it were liquid. Amongst these forms, waves stand out, with their elegance and movement they bewitch and they fall in love to who looks at them. Waves in the hair don’t go out of fashion, they are the essence of femininity and “glamour “. On the other hand, color floods everything that surrounds us. What would the world be without color? Probably a sadder and depressing place. What if we think about art or fashion or hairdressing? Nowadays, cosmetics and technology allow us to get hair with all the color palette, even with those colors that have nothing to do with their own nature. It is precisely these kinds of colors that I have used in waves and color. Wavesand colors: the perfect combination for dazzling hair.

Hair: Gonzalo Zarauza
Collection: Waves and colors
Ph: David Arnal
Make-up: Wild Van Dijk
Stylist: Visorifashionart
Retoucher: Javier Villalabeitia




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