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GLOBElife’s interview to ANDY HEASMAN, Rush International Creative Director

3 Jan, 2018

Which is the creative process behind your show? How can you maintain year after year this high level of quality?

We never stop planning RUSH Live. The minute one show ends, we are already on to the next, coming up with new trends and techniques to make our images more unique and creative. I’m lucky enough to work with such an incredible team that we are constantly bouncing ideas off each other, and the fact that we travel so much, gives me so much inspiration, which is then incorporated into the collections that are created. In such a fast paced industry, I think we consistently maintain our quality by creating trends and not following them. The team are constantly trying out new styles, experimenting with textures and colours and finding new techniques. It’s all about moving forward and developing new things.

How do you discover the products you use? Do you research them in market or companies propose them to you?

Here at RUSH, we are so lucky to work with such incredible product houses and this allows us to try out many different products. It’s all about trial and error and finding what works for you and the style/look you are creating. Over the years I have become loyal to certain brands as I find they are my must haves, and they will consistently be in my kit bag. However, I do love trying new products which have just been launched – there is nothing better than experimenting.

How local hairstylists can reach your level? I mean, of course you are passionate about your job and you’ve studied a lot, but how is it possible to break every rule to create something that gorgeous?

It all comes down to one thing – education. Education is without a doubt the foundation of our industry, and there is nothing more important than this. Every day I commit to learning something new, as this is how you progress and develop yourself as a person and your core skills. From the minute I began hairdressing, I was educated, and then after really solidifying my core skills, I began to experiment and really think outside the box. It took years to develop the confidence to push the boundaries, but once you’re there the opportunities are endless.

Which are your inner passions?

Definitely education and precision cutting, those are without a doubt my passions. To educate the next generation of hairdressers, and share my own personal experiences with them is something that I love doing, it’s incredible.

Please, announce our readers an anticipation of what’s gonna be on stage next year.

We are currently in the planning process for RUSH Live 2018 … so to see us uncover our collections, you must attend!



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