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Kerrie Dimattia – AU (Hairstylist), Impromptu Collection (7 Photos) New Hair Collections –

28 Jun, 2019

Kerrie Dimattia


The hairstylist had a love throughout my career of classically beautiful hair; hair that is uncomplicated, simplistic and unplanned, yet incredibly fierce & feminine. The best thing about the shoot that produced this collection was that it was Impromptu – orchestrated and executed without being planned or rehearsed. There is such a freedom in not having plans or expectations of what should be, but to just let the magic happen. She was looking for the Impromptu imagery to have a sense of being “undone” an almost “morning after” feel to it. The styling is simplistic, uncluttered and in some cases dishevelled but with a decidedly sexy feel.

Collection: Impromptu
Ph: Pixie Bella
Make-up: Candice Battersby
Stylist: Dimattia & Co Team


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