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Month: October 2019

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The Alternative Hair 2019: Parody 6th October, ICC Auditorium Excel, London – UK

In this 37th year, The Alternative Hair Show, entitled PARODY,
was held on 6th October at the magnificent ICC Auditorium ExCeL
in London.
Alternative Hair is an amazing celebration of the artistry,
creativity and passion of hairdressers from across the globe
and is both an inspirational and entertaining event.
The first part of the evening saw the finals of the
International Visionary Award, presented by Anthony Mascolo,
International President of Alternative Hair,
together with Alternative Hair founder, Tony Rizzo.
The Visionary Award has become a strong part of the evening
and this year’s finalists showed some incredibly detailed
and magnificent models, making the judging process extremely difficult.
Two shows were held over the evening raising a fantastic total:
more of £163,600 for the Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation:


In questo 37esimo anno, l’Alternative Hair Show, intitolato PARODY,
si è tenuto il 6 Ottobre nel magnifico ICC Auditorium ExCeL a Londra.
L’Alternative Hair è una fantastica celebrazione del talento,
della creatività e della passione degli hairdressers provenienti da tutto il mondo e, al tempo stesso, un evento di grande
ispirazione e divertimento.
Nella prima parte della serata si è svolta la finale
dell’International Visionary Award, presentato da Antony Mascolo, Presidente Internazionale dell’Alternative Hair,
insieme al fondatore dell’Alternative Hair, Tony Rizzo.
Il Visionary Award è diventato una parte fondamentale dell’evento
e quest’anno i finalisti hanno mostrato uno straordinario talento e
maestria nella gestione dei modelli e dei dettagli, rendendo
estremamente difficile selezionare i vincitori.
I due show hanno permesso di raccogliere il fantastico totale:
più di £160.600 destinati all’Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation: FIGHTING LEUKAEMIA.

Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation: FIGHTING LEUKAEMIA
International Visionary Award


Alternative Hair Charitable Foundation: FIGHTING LEUKAEMIA
International Visionary Award
Hair-stylists Show Parade


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Inaugurazione del nuovo salone SABRINA by EGIDIO


SAN GIOVANNI VALDARNO (AREZZO) – Inaugurazione spumeggiante del nuovo salone SABRINA by EGIDIO avvenuta Mercoledì 2 Ottobre alle 18.30 in VIA ROMA, 9.

EGIDIO BORRI famoso hairstylist internazionale, creativo e spontaneo, con 15 saloni nelle province di AREZZO e PERUGIA, ha voluto festeggiare l’apertura del bellissimo locale con SABRINA CITRONI.

All’evento hanno partecipato clienti, addetti ai lavori, colleghi, amici e parenti tra cui la moglie di Egidio, PIERA CORSO.

Festa, allegria ed un caloroso ringraziamento a tutte le persone presenti che “…hanno reso tutto questo possibile…”


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The Alternative Hair Show’s founder reveals why 2019 is set to be bigger and better than ever

LONDON – TONY RIZZO Director and Founder of Alternative Hair affirms that the SALON INTERNATIONAL LONDON is “…avant garde, couture, glamour and prêt-á-pòrter…” and continues : “…there is always an element of surprise from our international artists who will be travelling from Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy and Hungary…”

The Alternative Hair Show has been going for 37 years. It’s always been a stand alone event that happens around SALON INTERNATIONAL but this years visitors at the exhibition can enjoy the show in the auditorium at ExCeL London.

There will be 50 top names within the hairdressing industry performing at this year’s show. UK teams will include HOB, Sassoon, Marc Antoni, Anne Veck, Sanrizz, TIGI Creative Team, Toni & Guy and, of course, Saco Academy.

Tony Rizzo also says: “… All of ticket revenue will be going to our charity Fighting Leukaemia. If you purchase a ticket to this year’s show, you’ll get a two-ticket to SALON INTERNATIONAL, which is famtastic. We’ve been asked by many trade shows around the world if we would partner with them but SALON INTERNATIONAL is the perfect fit and it’s given us a great opportunity to be under one roof.

Book Ticket for SALON INTERNATIONAL LONDON 2019 salonshow.co.uk/book.


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FRANCESCO GROUP marks 50th in Birmingham (UK)

FRANCESCO GROUP celebrated 50 years in the hairdressing industry at its 2019 awards ceremony in Birmingham.

The event featured a catwalk show by global creative director CLAIRE CHELL.

She said: “The hair show highlighted our brand’s new trend movements and vision forecast for the next 12 months on a couture and fashion-focused level. The aim was to inspire every hairdresser at any stage in their career

FRANCESCO GROUP founder FRANCESCO DELLICOMPAGNI said: “From our modest beginnings in a MORRIS MINOR van to where the group is today is outstanding. We are a team and a family.


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UK Retailers demand rate cuts to save the high street

More than 50 major high street retail chains are demanding government tax cuts to protect themselves from growing business rates and online competition. The retailers, including Marks & Spencer, Harrods and Iceland, have written to UK chancellor Sajid Javid to request urgent reform to business rates in a bid to protect the high street and boost retail business as the country leaves the EU.

The British Retail Consortium who organised the letter said high street vacancy rates have risen to 10.3% the highest since 2015.

The National Hairdressers Federation has campaigned hard for reforms to business rates for professional hair salons, barbershop and beauty salons. NHF chief executive HILARY HALL told HJ: “A recent survey of our members shows around two thirds don’t pay business rates because they quality for small business rates relief. Often these reliefs are short-term and temporary so we’re calling for them to be made permanent, as they are in Wales, to help small businesses plan ahead”

Hilary also said: “Salon and barbershop owners can help by writing to their local MPs to get their support for our campaign”

HELLEN WARD, Richard Ward Hair & Metrospa managing Director, told HJ it is essential for professional hair salons to lobby together for a level playing field: “…Until the government takes steps to ensure taxation is fair, the High Street is in peril, and that includes hair and beauty salons…”


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ALESSANDRA CARRER del Salone Alessandra è OFFICIAL HAIR STYLIST della Milano Fashion Week 2019

Alessandra Carrer protagonista dei backstage dove la nuova moda PE 2020 vibra anche fra i capelli

SETTEMBRE 2019 – Il SALONE ALESSANDRA punto di riferimento per la bellezza a San Donà di Piave (VENEZIA) è stato Official Hair Stylist insieme a Wella della Milano Fashion Week 2019, svoltosi dal 17 al 23 Settembre, lavorando nei backstage dei più prestigiosi brand del made in Italy e non solo.

“Partecipare alla Milano Fashion Week è stata un’esperienza davvero speciale, ho potuto vivere il fermento creativo, la passione per la moda e le tendenze…” dichiara Alessandra Carrer, titolare del Salone Alessandra “…le ispirazioni che mi arrivano lavorando nei backstage si trasformano in salone in nuove idee per rendere ancora più belle le clienti che tutti i giorni si affidano alle nostre cure.”

Il SALONE ALESSANDRA a San Donà di Piave (VENEZIA) si contraddistingue per la grande preparazione, professionalità e creatività del team sempre aggiornato, grazie a programmi di formazione all’avanguardia.

Passione e amore verso il proprio lavoro e la cura verso ogni persona che si affida a loro ne fanno un tratto distintivo.

Backstage della MILANO Fashion Week 2019

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LOOK MAKER 2019: casting per TV Talent Show

Villaggio GARDEN di SAN VINCENZO (LIVORNO) – Si sono conclusi i 5 giorni di casting per l’edizione 2019 di LOOK MAKER, l’evento che anche quest’anno ha raccolto una grande partecipazione, riconfermando l’importanza del TV TALENT SHOW.

La CATARI PRODUCTION ha intrapreso un Casting Tour in tutta Italia per selezionare i protagonisti per la nuova edizione del “Lookmaker Academy Talent TV Show” che prossimamente apparirà in TV.

Tra i personaggi più importanti del casting-event hanno partecipato GIUSEPPE COLELLA autore di Next Talent Show della Bellezza, FABRIZIO RIZZOLO attore, GIORGIO SCOFFONE produttore per la Catari Production, MIRIANA TREVISAN show-girl.

I candidati hanno dato prova di telegenia e abilità per stare davanti ad una telecamera.
Sono stati intervistati dall’attore Fabrizio Rizzolo e dalla guest star Miriana Trevisan, madrina dell’iniziativa.

LOOKMAKER ACADEMY è un talent show che immagina un futuro per questi professionisti e per tutti i clienti che ogni giorno si dedicano alla cura della loro persona, un futuro in cui in un solo negozio sono concentrati tutti gli elementi che permettono di avere taglio, acconciatura, make-up e costruzione di un outfit in un’unica realtà.







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