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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: May 2020

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Junior Green – UK (Hairstylist), Define ( 10 photos) New Hair Collection

Junior Green International Hairstylist

In this collection Junior uses shape and texture to define each image. Working with both natural and created textures Junior used a wide range of cutting and styling techniques in this inspirational collection.

Ph: Agata Preyss
Make-Up: Neon Velvet
Stylist: J A G Styling



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Hairdressers around the world and all with a passion for hair are invited to join in a special streamed produced by Australia’s Sharon Blain Education and Box Hill Institute

Virtual Hair Experience: Journey to the Top, a three-hour online
hairdressing extravaganza, will be released online
on Monday 8 June from 11am to 2pm
Australian Eastern Standard Time or by streaming from 6pm.

It will feature international, Australian and New Zealand industry luminaries telling inspiring stories about their path to the top of the hairdressing field and edge-of-fashion, creative hairstyling.  Its purpose is to inspire young people to join or stay in the industry and give their salon owners examples to be used as encouragement.

Sharing their journey to the top will be these stars of hairdressing:

  • Mark Hayes, International Creative Director, Sassoon
  • Tabatha Coffey, international business woman, tv celebrity, designer and educator
  • Errol Douglas MBE, One of the world’s most respected hairdressers
  • Dee Parker Attwood, 2019 Hair Expo Australian Hairdresser of the Year
  • Sharon Blain, international educator
  • Kobi Bokshish, Intershape
  • Steve Corthine, Stevie English Hair
  • Hermiz Daniel, Joey Scandizzo Salon
  • Danny Pato, 2019 Hair Expo New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year
  • Joey Scandizzo, Joey Scandizzo Salon
  • Jules and Bennie Tognini, Lil Off The Top, Tognini’s
  • Emiliano and Lisa Vitale, é Salon                 
  • Jayne Wild and Gary Latham, Wild Life Hair                                  
  • Renya Xydis, editorial hairstylist, Valonz
  • Host: Hair Expo favourite and US-Australian TV celebrity, Richard Reid
Location Live Broadcast Time on Monday 8 June or as otherwise marked Streaming commencement time on Monday 8 June:
Australia – Eastern 11am 6pm
Western Australia 9am 4pm
New Zealand 1pm 8pm
United Kingdom 2.30am 9am
Amsterdam 3am 10am
Chicago 8pm Sunday 7 June 3am
Copenhagen 3am 10am
Dubai 5am 12 noon
Estonia 4am 11am
Frankfurt 3am 10am
Jakarta 8am 3pm
Hong Kong 9am 4pm
Lima 8pm 3am
Lisbon 2am 9am
Ljubljana 3am 10am
Los Angeles 6pm Sunday 7 June 1am
Malaysia 9am 4pm
Moscow 5am 12 noon
Mumbai 6.30am 1:30pm
New Delhi 6.30am 1:30pm
New York 9pm Sunday 7 June 4am
Oslo 3am 10am
Paris 3am 10am
San Francisco 6pm Sunday 7 June 1am
Singapore 9am 4pm
Warsaw 3am 10am
Vancouver 6pm Sunday 7 June 1am
South Africa 3am 10am
Barcelona 3am 10am
Stockholm 3am 10am
Taipei 9am 4pm

For more information CLICK HERE


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INTERNATIONAL VISIONARY AWARD 2020 : data fissata per Ottobre a LONDRA – UK

Il nuovo appuntamento con INTERNATIONAL VISIONARY AWARD si terrà l’11 Ottobre 2020

international visionary award 2020

Data fissata dello spettacolo/show per Sabato 11 OTTOBRE 2020.
Aperte le candidature per iscriversi all’emozionante incontro
di Londra (UK).
Quest’anno le ISCRIZIONI chiuderanno il 31 LUGLIO 2020, il modulo è scaricabile direttamente dal sito ufficiale.

ECCO IL LINK per scaricare il modulo e ISCRIVERSI:



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IMAGINE : sarà il nuovo tema per lo show dell’ALTERNATIVE HAIR SHOW di LONDRA

alternative hair show 2020

ALTERNATIVE HAIR SHOW 2020 annuncia la data di quest’anno:
lo spettacolo “IMAGINE” avrà luogo Sabato 11 Ottobre 2020 !

Presto avremo nuovi dettagli sul NUOVO SHOW.
Anche quest’anno l’intento è di raggiungere nuovi record per la raccolta fondi riguardo l’Alternative Hair Charitable foundationFighting leukaemia“.


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Con la riapertura c’é l’ASSALTO ai CASH and CARRY di prodotti per PARRUCCHIERI

Incremento improvviso delle vendite nei CASH&CARRY italiani

In questi giorni, dopo la tanto attesa RIAPERTURA del 18 MAGGIO, si sta assistendo ad un vero e proprio assalto a negozi e magazzini che vendono prodotti professionali per Parrucchieri.

La riorganizzazione per la RIPARTENZA dei Saloni di acconciatura e centri estetici, ha portato ad una grande e improvvisa richiesta di prodotti professionali.

In particolare il mercato di Napoli, in Italia, ha avuto un netto incremento delle vendite, soprattutto per il CASH&CARRY di FULVIO FUSCO, che ha messo a disposizione di vendita prodotti professionali per saloni per circa 1.100 PARRUCCHIERI in un solo giorno!

Questa e tante altre, che stiamo raccogliendo, sono notizie molto positive che segnano un’ottima ripartenza per il settore.

Quindi guardiamo il FUTURO con OTTIMISMO !

Background photo created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com


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TONI&GUY 5 things lockdown has taught us

As we continue to be in lockdown, and the past weeks and months have given us all time to think about our priorities, our dreams and our goals. We’ve all had an opportunity to step back and breathe and realise what’s important. It’s also given us time to think about our careers, passions and ambitions.

TONI&GUY 5 things lockdown has taught us

TONI&GUY international artistic director and head of education, Cos Sakkas, believes being in isolation has made him realise what an amazing industry he works in.

“We’ve been talking to our salons and hairdressers around the world and the camaraderie, belief and humility has been awe-inspiring. There truly is no other industry like hairdressing – and the lockdown has made us all realise just what we offer. We work with amazing people, surround ourselves with positivity and passion and are always there for each other.”

Cos Sakkas’ five things that lockdown has taught us

1 How much you’ve missed hairdressing – the actual physical action of cutting or colouring hair, transforming a head of hair and creating something beautiful, edgy or feminine. Working on a mannequin isn’t the same – there’s no better feeling than seeing your client smile when they look in the mirror.

2 Conversations with your clients – that one-on-one chat about everyday life, their families and their careers, their worries and their dreams. There’s more to your relationship than hair and we realise how important that emotional bond is.

3 Community spirit – social media has brought the world of hairdressing closer together, sharing experiences of lockdown and reopening businesses from around the globe. We’ve shared concerns and worries and working together on solutions.

4 Your team is everything – the people you work with and surround yourself with are incredible. From assistants to salon managers, photographers and models, we work with people that are compassionate, funny, caring, loyal and exciting. Zoom catch ups have been great but I can’t wait for the day when we see each other again!

5 Education is as important as ever – there’s been a multitude of online education from cutting tutorials to hair up demonstrations. This has taught us all how important – and exciting – it is to keep our skills up to date and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Nothing beats real-life education and we all wait for the day academies reopen and we can work with live models again.


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SACCUCCI MASTERCLASS Roma: insieme saremo più forti di prima!

Angelo di Pasca da Saccucci Masterclass: Insieme saremo più forti di prima!

ROMA Giovedì 21 Maggio

I primi giorni lavorativi sono stati molto positivi, tutto è andato bene.
E’ stata un’emozione per noi del team Saccucci Masterclass come se fosse il primo giorno di lavoro ! Marco Saccucci e tutto il suo gruppo hanno fatto un grande lavoro per far si che le Clienti si sentissero nuovamente a casa con le abitudini di sempre.

“Abbiamo preso tutte le misure giuste
rispettando le norme governative !
Saccucci’s Masterclass team è una
grande squadra..”

Sono le solite mani degli hairstylists del salone che, come sempre, doneranno la felicità a tutte le donne, con un bel sorriso nascosto dalla mascherina, ma sempre presente !
La positività in questo momento è fondamentale per tutti noi colleghi e per le nostre clienti! Siamo tutti uniti insieme per far trionfare il mondo del Beauty e superare questo momento uscendone vincenti e più forti di prima.

Angelo di pasca
Da Saccucci Masterclass

SACCUCCI Masterclass
Viale Città d’Europa, 857 – ROMA (RM) – Italy
Tel. + 39 06 52200413 – 06 52200386



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