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IMAGINE ❤️ A Virtual Alternative Hair Show

31 Jul, 2020

This year it is going to be impossible to organise a live Alternative Hair Show and Visionary Award

IMAGINE ❤️ A Virtual Alternative Hair Show

As many of you will have heard and I’m sure realised by now, this year it is going to be impossible to organise a live Alternative Hair Show and Visionary Award, but I’m sure you will also have realised that a little thing like a pandemic isn’t going to stop Tony Rizzo!

Which is why, he and Anthony Mascolo have come up with the idea of IMAGINE, a virtual show that will link to supporting artistic teams across the Globe and can be watched at convenience by hairdressers in time-zones that don’t allow watching the live performances.

The show will be held on Sunday 11th October and will be linked to Anthony Mascolo’s studio: The Library, in South London, where a ‘socially distanced few’ will compere the evening and communicate with the audience. The audience will be asked to make a donation to the charity, Fighting Leukaemia.

That’s not all! Over the last few weeks, Tony has had all of the previous shows made into a digital format and these will be made available to a new Alternative Hair Community – Can you imagine 38 years of shows!!
There will be a small subscription charge to join the community and then to receive more communication from Alternative Hair as well as a free ‘ticket’ to the show.

In these difficult times, Tony is still committed to raising an annual sum of money to support several projects with which Alternative Hair is involved.

This is the best and amazing solution

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