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Gossip ❤️ News

Month: March 2021

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Paula Hibbard ❤️ AU (Hairstylist), EVOLUTIO (7 photos) New Hair Collection

Harnessing the new decade and taking the opportunity to evolve her craft, Paula Hibbard’s new collection ‘EVOLUTIO’ not only pushes her creativity, it showcases the evolution of her technique, skills and career as a hairstylist.
‘EVOLUTIO’ encompasses the evolving nature of hairstyling as a craft. Designed with a little quirkiness and a clean execution, this collection embodies Paula’s love for styling and colour.
“‘EVOLUTIO’ represents the evolving story of my hairstyling journey and I couldn’t pick a better time to introduce it then at the start of a new decade,” says Paula.
Drawing inspiration from Paula’s belief redheads will be having just as much fun this decade as blondes, she has matched rich red colours with fresh blonde hues.
‘EVOLUTIO’ is a collection that showcases how Paula’s clever colour choices amplify her talent for creating beautiful hairstyles with a classic, clean finish.

HAIR: Paula Hibbard
MAKEUP: Susan Markovic
SPONSOR: De Lorenzo Haircare


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Cheryl Bryson ❤️ UK (Hairstylists), LIVING COOL HARE (4 photos) New Hair Collection

What was the inspiration behind your debut collection?
I took my inspiration from the seventies and denim fabric. Seventies styling
was inoffensive exposing everyone’s individual beauty. Denim is a material
that is made from an organic cotton plant that is harmless to any age, any
gender and decade.
Describe your creative process to me?
Given my inspiration I researched the process of denim, how it is woven from cotton, sewing, and its dyeing process. Because it’s made from cotton, a natural product, this reminded me of how we colour hair. Each hair has to be taken as an individual exposing its own hues because how it is naturally made up. The woven fabric and how it is cut is how I see hair. I wanted the hair itself to tell its own hip adventures. Frayed edges, worn textures, my aim, creating this with razor cutting. Razor craft allows the hair to roam and for it to be seen for its true self.

Salon Address:
Bryson & Hare, 28 Hunter St, Kirkcaldy KY1 1ED.
Media Contact:
Alastair J Gourley @picklepr alastair@picklepr.co.uk

Hair: Cher Bryson @brysonandhare
Photography: Paul McGugan @paulfrancismcgugan
MUA: Karen Bowen @karenbowenmakeup
Stylist: Ian Todd @stylisttod


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Hob Academy ❤️ UK (Hairstylists), 2020 Fellowship Snapshot Image of the Year

Nestor Sanchez from HOB Academy, London, was named 2020 Fellowship for British Hairdressing Snapshot Image of the Year at this year’s annual awards.
Held virtually for the first time due to Covid restrictions, Nestor was chosen as the winner over hundreds of other non-professional images entered into the competition, of his model backstage at last year’s Alternative Hair Show.

1 Divide the front and back of the head by taking a section that travels from the crown to behind each ear. Then split the back area with a vertical section into two equal sides and finally decide the angle of the desired weight line as this will dictate the shape of your sectioning pattern.
2 Now using your fingers, elevate each section gradually to create a classic
graduated shape with a seamless build up of weight. Once the back is completed, refine and create an outline that is sympathetic and works in harmony with the neutral growth patterns.
3 To connect the sides, overdirect the hair to the last section from the back using the previous angle and elevation. Tap the ear tob release some of the tension and avoid the dreaded hole in your shape caused by the protrusion of the ear.
4 Once the internal shape has been completed, working from the back continue your outline all the way to the front, making sure that whatever shape you are creating, complements and enhances the bob structure and facial features. In this case, a curved/triangular line was created to show off the model’s neck and make the lips the focal point.
5 The fringe was cut using pivoting sections from a middle parting. A round layer was used to create a juxtaposing effect of strong outlines with a dishevelled fringe.
6 Finally, the hair was prepped with oil, conditioning spray and a wrap-drying technique using a Vess brush. Irons were used to give the hair shine and that winning photo finish.

1 This colour technique is approached by creating two areas of the head. Start by isolating section A, work an inch into the hairline at the fringe area creating a curved section that sits underneath the occipital bone.
2 This creates section B (top) and section A (bottom)
3 Start by lightening the ends of section B using Wella Professionals Blondor Crème with 4%, processing until achieving a result that is two levels lighter than section A.
4 Rinse and remove the lightener following manufacturers guidelines.
5 On damp hair resection the hair back into A and B.
6 Section B is recoloured with a deep magenta shade using Color Touch by Wella Professionals 20g 55/65 + 10g 10/6 + 2g 0/68 + 64mls 1.9% Color Touch Emulsion
7 Section A is recoloured with a black grape shade using Color Touch 20g 33/66 +3g 0/68 + 46 mls 4% Color Touch Emulsion
8 The colour has then amplified by using High Magenta from Color Fresh Create mixed with conditioner.

Cut: Nestor Sanchez @ HOB Academy, London
Colour: Chris May and Warren Boodaghian
Photo: Jake Unger


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Martin Crean ❤️ @ MODE Hair UK (Hairstylist), Three key looks for New Year’s Eve

Staying in is the new going out, and while there may not be any parties this New Year’s Eve, it’s still an opportunity to don the sequins and celebrate the end of a crazy year.
Martin Crean from MODE Hair chooses his three favourite party styles perfect for a glitzy night in to welcome 2021.
1 Spray blow dry spray through the hair and blow dry. Then set on large rollers and leave to cool. Remove the rollers then gently brush through with a natural bristle bush giving gentle lift through the roots and a soft wave through the end. Spray with shine spray to finish.
2 Spray a smoothing lotion through the hair then blow dry on a gentle heat and use a large round brush until hair is smooth. Then finish with irons for a silky finish. For added length, take a clip-in weft and apply to the occipital bone and brush hair to blend. A centre parting will add a dramatic finish, while a side parting will give a softer feel.
3 Give short hair a glossy finish by blow-drying smooth with a dressing brush, then finish with irons for a super-sleek look. Spritz with shine spray for a glamorous finish.

Find out more about Martin Crean at MODE Hair:
Instagram: @martincreanmode


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X-presion ❤️ ES (Hairstylists), TROMPE L’OEIL (3 photos) New Hair Collection

Trompe L’oeil is X-presion’s new story.

Trompe L’oeil, which means optical illusion, is based on a new hair-colouring technique that we invented trying to create a trap with colour, to trick people into believing that they see something different from what they actually see. This colour technique creates a depth in the hair in which, depending on the angle from which you look at it, gives a visual sensation of 3D. It can actually trick the eye into thinking that some of the colours are placed in a deeper part of the hair than others, and it can even simulate scissor cuts in some of the colour lines.

The technique came to life a few years ago in our Hair Lab in Madrid, #xpresionstudio, but it has been in a drawer until now, that when we have developed it further, and it has become our new collection, Trompe L’oeil. When you come up with something new, the process from the first idea to the final product can take years sometimes. Some of our colour techniques have evolved from previous techniques and, therefore, the process is faster and more fluid. Yet, this time we have tried to come up with something entirely new, to revolutionize the hairdressing industry the same way the X-presion pixels did, and to inspire hairdressers all over the world.

“This colour technique tricks the eye into thinking that some of the colours are placed in a deeper part of the hair than others, and even simulates scissor cuts in some of the colour lines”

Concept + Hair: X-presion
Photo: Alberto Hidalgo
Photo Assistant: Sergio BorondoNano LopezzSakasuaveseda
Digital Assistant: Maitane Huidobro
Post productionIsrael Lozano by La Máscara Studio
Bolt: Somos Robolt
Studio: Espacio Harley
Production: Studio Harley
Wardrobe Styling: Carol Gamarra
Makeup: Pablo Robledo
Makeup Assistant: Almudena García
Models: Claudia Gago, India TuersleyMilena Smit
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xjOsjJ8pIY


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Makeover ❤️ ES (Hairstylists), OKUBO (4 photos) New Hair Collection

Inspired by the stops in the TOKYO subway … Where you can sit quietly on a bench and spend the day watching all kinds of people … with the brightness of the neon lights which make everything appear real.  
OKUBO is a metro stop in Tokyo where thousands and thousands of people pass through every day …

Hair: Makeover
Hair Instagram @makeoverlogrono
Hairdressers Instagrams: @josemakeover @eva_makeover_
Photographer: David Arnal
Photographer Instagram @davidarnalteam
Creative video: German De La Hoz
MUA: Wild Van Dijk
MUA Instagram @wildvandijk
Stylist: Aaron Gil
Stylist Instagram @aaron_gil_stylist
Models: Jose Luis Cubell, Carlos, Guillermo & Jaime
Models Instagrams: @joselucubel @garrigolazo @guillermo_gas @jaimeferrandis


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Pelsynera ❤️ ES (Hairstylists), LINE_____ (5 photos) New Hair Collection

Line is a collection full of intermittent styles, a collection where the lines are the focal point of inspiration.  Through them we have created shapes and depth, and by playing with different definitions we were able to produce geometric images, some very noticeable and others of a gentler aspect.
Purity and precision mark the antechamber of the collection.
Any similarity to reality is pure fiction.

Hair: Pelsynera
Hair Instagram @Pelsynera
Photographer: Oliver Viladoms studio
Photographer Instagram @Oliver_viladoms_studio
Retouch: Oliver Viladoms studio @Oliver_viladoms_studio
MUA: Pelsynera
MUA Instagram @Pelsynera
Stylist: Laura García Baena
Stylist Instagram @Baenlauragarcia


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Raquel Saiz ❤️ ES (Hairstylists), CHÉRIE (4 photos) New Hair Collection

With its fresh beauty and natural elegance, Chérie possesses the authentic sophistication of the Parisians.  Naturalness, romanticism and elegance, without the adjectives that define it.  It reflects a self-confident woman, capable of overcoming any challenge that may arise. “Elegance is the only beauty that never fades” Audrey Hepburn.

Hair: Raquel Saiz @Salón Blue by Raquel Saiz
Hair Instagram @blue_by_raquelsaiz
Hair Assistants: Ulises peluqueros
Photographer: Esteban Roca
Photographer Instagram @esteban_roca_photo
MUA: Manuela Gimenez
MUA Instagram @manuelagimenez87
Stylist: Raquel Saiz / Ulises Mesa
Models Instagram: @aya_gueye @lycpn @arayafrasquet @gabrieladizio


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Eos Men ❤️ ES (Hairstylists), ALÚMINA (4 photos) New Hair Collection

Alumina is an oxide that is found in nature in a pure or crystallized state and that is present in the ruby, the emerald, and the czar. Its hardly apparent resistance makes it precious.

And that is the inspiration of this collection that vindicates the strength of what is born from the purest, which makes it possible to start again with more force. Alumina is an intangible ingredient that drives the emotion deposited in everything we do. It is present in the creation of a new and solid look towards a world that begins and flourishes.

Hair: Pilar Zaragozá y Leticia Martínez – EOS | MEN
Hair Instagram: @srta.pili_eos @srta_letii @eos__men
Photography: David Arnal 
Photography Instagram: @davidarnalteam
Styling: EOS MEN
Models: Alfredo, Alberto, Jorge, Oscar
Models Instagram: @aluster11, @albertoroig16, @1jorgegarcia, @oscarmiraditas


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