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Anna Peters – UK ❤️ Bridal Foundations (3 photos) – New Hair Collection

24 Jun, 2024

How to Build a Strong Bridal Foundation

Anna Peters, a member of the Sam Villa ArTeam and owner of re:Color + Hair Design and Studio, emphasizes the importance of creating durable bridal hairstyles that endure from morning to night. She stresses that despite resorting to extensive measures such as numerous hairpins and hairspray, the key lies in establishing a solid foundation strategically placed within the hair. This foundation not only serves as a guide for the hairstyle but also acts as an anchor, ensuring longevity and stability.

Peters identifies four foundational elements crucial for strength, direction, and longevity in bridal styles:

Ponytail: Acts as a focal point, consolidates volume, and offers significant strength.

Braid: Functions as a versatile anchor, capable of being positioned vertically, horizontally, or diagonally across the head, providing crucial support and strength.

Bun: Similar to the ponytail, it provides substantial strength, serves as a focal point, and adds volume to the style.

• Twist: Though delicate compared to the others, it also travels across the style, offering support and volume.

According to Peters, strategically placing these anchors within a hairstyle not only facilitates seamless transitions between different looks but also ensures clarity in constructing the style. This approach embeds inherent support and strength, enabling the hairstyle to endure throughout the day and well into the night.

Anna Peters – UK ❤️ Bridal Foundations (3 photos) – New Hair Collection

Hair: Anna Peters; Make-up: Kiara Shannelle

Anna Peters – UK ❤️ Bridal Foundations (3 photos) – New Hair Collection
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