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The European cosmetics industry

29 Jun, 2015


The European cosmetics industry has returned to growth in 2014, with sales rising by +0.5% in value, according to figures from Cosmetics Europe, compared to a decrease of 1.4% in 2013. Figures released at the Cosmetics Europe General Assembly show that the European cosmetics and personal care market has remained resilient in 2014, despite a tough economic climate. With a +0.5% growth, the European industry is showing signs of recovery. Germany remains the main market in Europe (13,12 billion euros), followed by France (10,58 billion euros), the United Kingdom (10,40 billion euros) and Italy (9,39 billion euros).Regarding external trade, France remains the largest exporter of cosmetics.According to Cosmetics Europe, the European cosmetics and personal care industry employs approximately 1,700,000 people including 25,000 scientists. Over the past five years, the industry has been able to grow direct and indirect employment by 2.3% or more than 39.000 workplaces.

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