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Allilon Education Art Team – UK
Change Collection

27 Apr, 2016

Allilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art Team

Allilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art Team

Allilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art TeamAllilon Education Art Team

Inspired by the natural backgrounds and environments his work is exhibited in, Allilon Education Colour Director, Madeleine Murphy, created palettes of light violets, pinks, lilacs, turquoise and blues, which have been beautifully offset by inky indigos, deep violets, whites and deep brunettes, as seen in the sunsets and sunrises that often form the backdrop to JR’s work. Coppers, brick reds, muddy browns and earthy tones have been used at the roots of the hair, inspired by the dust, brick and buildings his work is often showcased on.

Hair: Allilon Education Art Team – UK
Collection: Change
Ph: Andrew Gilbert
Make-up: Melissa Bourne
Clothes styling: Giuseppina DeCamillo


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