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SALON INTERNATIONAL 2017, London 14 – 15 – 16 Oct. – UK: VIPs

24 Oct, 2017


SALON INTERNATIONAL, the beauty exhibition just ended in London (UK), every year attracts professionals and vips. Hairdressing legends were on hand throughout the show to inspire guests and share their knowledge, both with creative presentations on the Fellowship for British Hairdressing and HJ Stages, and in the Legends Lounge, where Lee Stafford, Charles Worthington, Errol Douglas, Andrew Collinge and Beverly C told the stories of their success. Elsewhere in the show, inspiration was to be found at every stand with leading names including Robert Cromeans, Zoe Irwin and Hooker & Young demonstrating the latest launches from brands, giving the newest product additions their stamp of approval through trend-led presentations.Enjoy GLOBElife’s reportage about Vips who attended the event.


SALON INTERNATIONAL, la fiera della bellezza appena conclusasi a Londra (UK), attira ogni anno professionisti del settore e vips. Alcune leggende del mondo dell’hairstyling erano a disposizione durante tutta la manifestazione per ispirare gli ospiti e condividere la loro conoscenza, sia con presentazioni creative che nella Legend Lounge, dove Lee Stafford, Charles Worthington, Errol Douglas, Andrew Collinge e Beverly C hanno raccontato le storie del loro successo. Durante lo show, i protagonisti del mondo dell’hairstyling tra cui Robert Cromeans, Zoe Irwin e Hooker & Young hanno lanciato i nuovi marchi, aggiungendo il loro timbro di approvazione attraverso presentazioni di tendenza. Ecco il reportage di GLOBElife sui personaggi che hanno partecipato all’evento.


salon international


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