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Miguel Garcia – ES ❤️ noKanon (3 photos) – New Hair Collection

21 Jun, 2024

From “La Niña Bonita” we present our collection “noKanon“.

With this project we wanted to create a universe inspired by androgyny, with a grunge and underground style in which there are no genres or aesthetic parameters, nor canons of beauty established by a slave society in the search for perfection.  

In the context of fiction, the kanon, from the Japanese “花音”, is a fictional universe, named by the fandom as those audiovisual materials that are considered logical within the context of said universe.

The word canon also comes from the Greek κανών. 

In Greek art, the interest in the ideal, for perfection and beauty is very present. For them the representation of the human figure had to follow mathematical rules of proportion and harmony.

With the name of our collection we try to break all those rules and hence the “NO” of noKanon

Miguel Garcia – ES ❤️ noKanon (3 photos) – New Hair Collection

Hairdresser: LA NIÑA BONITA PELUQUERÍA (Miguel A. García Girona, Natascha Acan Macias)

Makeup: Natascha Acan Macias 

Styling: Traviskat_work / Pelayo Tamargo & Aida Rivero 

Models: Pelayo Tamargo & Aida Rivero 

Photography: Óscar Osmow (GoStudio)

Miguel Garcia – ES ❤️ noKanon (3 photos) – New Hair Collection
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